Ctrl+Alt+C not working

Started by Canay, September 05, 2014, 07:05:25 PM

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CTR+Alt+C has stopped working in IMatch 3.6 in Windows 8.1.  I can right click to get to the command and that works fine. But I use the short cut a lot and would like it back. I tried re-installing Imatch and chose the repair option but that didn't help.

I moved my photos over to Imatch 5 and I am still struggling with the new version. So I have kept my digital scrap booking supplies in Version 3.6 for now because I understand the interface and I can find what I want quickly. It is not he end of the world that the shortcut doesn't work but it is certainly perplexing.

Any ideas?



When I recall correctly, <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<C> was used in IMatch 3 for 'Copy Attributes only'.
This is no longer needed of course in IMatch 5. Use <Ctrl>+<C> instead. If this is what you want to do...

(It would have saved us some time if you would just have included the name of the command you mean in your post).

If you are new to IMatch, I suggest you save yourself some time by

1. Reading the Quick Start Guide, which includes some handy keyboard cheat sheets
2. Reading the "For IMatch 3 users" topic which explains the major differences
3. Use the help a lot.

For example, I typed Copy into the help index. The first hit was for Attributes, which is the help topic entitled Copying Attributes Between Files. And from the keyboard shortcut you have mentioned in your post, and which is the only info you have given us about what you are trying to achieve, this is probably what you want to read.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
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I'm sorry I did not give you enough information. I copy a files categories to another file using the CTRL+Alt+C command in version 3.6. I have been doing this for years. But all of a sudden when I use this shortcut nothing happens. Have you heard of this happening before?


Hi Canay,

My suggestion below might not apply to your situation at all (as I don't know what may have caused your loss of this particular short-cut key sequence), but here on my Windows 7 setup I will sometimes - mysteriously - lose the short-cut sequence which I've programmed to launch Windows Notepad (for which incidentally I chose CTRL+SHIFT+N) ... but - now to my suggestion ...

I've been using this clever little software utility (below) for years, and although its aim is to examine your Windows profile to reveal all the short-cut key sequences which are in effect, it has the excellent side-effect (on my system! YMMV) of restoring my lost short-cut key sequence!

The program seems to retrieve and reclaim the short-cut sequence from whatever recently-run program had (I suspect) 'stolen' it and had failed to yield it back to Windows when it (the offending program) was closed.  (On my system, I suspect that FastStone Image Viewer is the culprit!)

Anyway, here's the link:

RJL Software - Shortcut Key Explorer

This company RJL Software has been around for years and years, and I forget when I first started using their (mostly free) utilities. I have no other connection with them.

Colin P.


Quote from: Canay on September 05, 2014, 08:11:43 PM
I'm sorry I did not give you enough information. I copy a files categories to another file using the CTRL+Alt+C command in version 3.6. I have been doing this for years. But all of a sudden when I use this shortcut nothing happens. Have you heard of this happening before?

Some shortcuts have been changed for IMatch 5, other keyboard shortcuts have been re-assigned. IMatch 5 has 100 commands more than IMatch 3 and so some changes were inevitable. Also, IMatch 5 is designed for an international market, and I tried to use shortcuts which work across all languages if possible.

As I said above, the Quick Start Guide lists the keyboard shortcuts assigned to all frequently used commands.
The menus list the shortcuts of each command as well. If you can run the command from the menu, you already know the keyboard shortcut.

You copy the 'data' of a file to the clipboard using Ctrl+C.
To paste Attributes, press Shift+Ctrl+V.

There are many other clipboard commands, e.g. to copy/move files, to copy text, to copy files from IMatch to Windows Explorer etc. Please search the IMatch help for Clipboard to find all the info.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
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Hello Mario,

Canay's problem is in IMatch 3, not 5.

QuoteCTR+Alt+C has stopped working in IMatch 3.6 in Windows 8.1.

I would say that it is a Microsoft problem and rather than a Photools problem but given the level of support with both companies, he stands a better chance of getting an answer here.


Sorry, I overlooked that. This community is only for IMatch 5 topics, so I don't check that. The old user forum is for IMatch 3 support - while it is still supported.

I don't know how a keyboard shortcut in IMatch can stop working. Best change is that it is "hooked" by another application, tool or service.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
http://www.photools.com  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like photools.com on Facebook


I just realized that this is an IMatch 5 forum. Sorry about that. Yes, Mario I am able to copy and paste attributes in IMatch 5 just fine. If I just create a scrapbooking database in IMatch 5 and quit using the older version I will be just fine. The only thing I really do with my scrapbooking data base is add categories to my files, search for something and then open it in photoshop. I thought IMatch 5 was "too advanced" for what I was doing but I think it will be just fine if not better.