Problem with propagating Hierarchical Keywords

Started by Hobbyfotograf, September 10, 2014, 05:40:49 PM

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I've set up Versioning to propagate all xmp-Data from my nef files to jpg files. I use Hierarchical Keywords to tag the nef Files and I set the options to write  the hierarchical keywords as leafes into the Keywords field of the xmp. To do this, I've set crosses for "Write hierarchical keywords", "Write path elements" and "Don't replace existing hierarchical keywords".
This works well for the nef files, hierarchical keywords and leaf keywords in the proper fields.

But when the xmp data get's propagated to the jpg, IMatch doesn't propagate the hierarchical Keywords. Instead it fills the hierarchical keyword field with the leaf keywords. After updating the files I now have each keyword twice: one in the proper hierarchy and an other one in the first level.

How can I fix this?




I can replicate this or something like it.

I have a NEF master and a JPG version.
Propagation for categories and XMP but not CRS or orientation.
Metadata settings write just the leaf keyword to flat keywords.
Propagation is automatic

I use the keywords panel to assign the keyword "Where|France|Île-de-France|Paris" to the NEF and commit the writeback.

The first NEF I try this for I only get "France|Île-de-France|Paris" propagated to the JPG, plus the flat keyword "Paris".  Note that "Where" is an excluded node.
In fact it's worse than this, because only the flat keyword "Paris" was written to the JPG version - there's a pending writeback for the hierarchical keyword.
I perform the writeback but I still only have "France|Île-de-France|Paris" as the hierarchical keyword.

I try another NEF / JPG pair.  This time I write the keyword "Where|France|Île-de-France|Meudon". 
Now just "Meudon" is propagated to the JPG keyword field, and again, it wasn't actually written, there's only a queued writeback.  The leaf "Meudon" was propagated and written to the flat keyword field correctly.

There were problems in both cases, but not exactly the same problem.  I don't understand why the problems were different.  These images were virgin images in a fresh test DB.

Something has gone wrong here, because this used to work in 5.1.14.

Logs attached.

[attachment deleted by admin]


I've found the reason for my problem: I propagated XMP without LR/Camera Raw. This didn' propagate the Hierarchical Keywords. When I chose XMP without Camera Raw Data, the hierarchical Keywords got propagated correctly.  :)


You're absolutely right!  I made the same mistake.   :-[

There's still an issue I accidentally stumbed across about flat keywords not being correctly looked up in the thesaurus, but that's another thread.  This one can be closed.