DE: Umlaute und Monatsnamen in Renamber

Started by sinus, September 21, 2014, 04:53:01 PM

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irgendwo steht das vielleicht drin, habe es aber noch nicht gefunden bis jetzt.

Zwei kleine, nicht wichtige Fragen:

1) der Renamer hat eine Replace-Text-Funktion. Damit kann man Umlaute ersetzen, also zb anstatt ä einfach ae.
Wie kann man die verschiedenen Umlaute äöü ÄÖÜ in einem Replace-Text einsetzen? Habe ich nicht rausgefunden, muss man wirklich für jeden Umlaut eine neue Replace - Funktion einsetzen? (wäre kein Problem, aber nicht so schön)

2) Beim Move-Befehl habe ich diese Zeile

Ich verwende IMatch in Englisch. Wie kann ich es machen, dass MMM mir auch die deutschen Monate Jan, Feb, Mar... Mai usw bringt und nicht englische wie zb May? Geht das?

Danke für allfällige Tipps.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


1. You need to add one replace step for each text you want to replace. Although the replace step supports regular expressions, you cannot replace multiple different strings ('ä'.'ö'.'ü') with multiple other stings in one go.

2. The day should be formatted using your local month and day names. This seems to be a bug, some kind of side-effect of the var parser. I'll check that.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: Mario on September 22, 2014, 08:15:23 AM
1. You need to add one replace step for each text you want to replace. Although the replace step supports regular expressions, you cannot replace multiple different strings ('ä'.'ö'.'ü') with multiple other stings in one go.

Thanks, Mario! Good to know, of course this is very easy to do. So no problems.

Quote from: Mario on September 22, 2014, 08:15:23 AM
2. The day should be formatted using your local month and day names. This seems to be a bug, some kind of side-effect of the var parser. I'll check that.

Thanks for looking into this. But, to be honest, it is surely not that important.

BTW: I test now IM5 with 10'000 image (exactly) and since I deactivated the automatic background scan, IMatch is VERY stable and quick. And everyting seems to work fine, good and quickly. I will clean up first my Im3-db, then I will do the conversion again, with that clean (and smaller, I deleted a lot of unnecessary files) db.
I am sure, it will work fine.

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


The background scan only monitors file system events and rescans folders when changes are made to folders or files by Windows or other applications. This should not interfere with your work at all... What happens when you enable background folder scans?
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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