Two questions about viewer

Started by monstermaha, September 27, 2014, 02:15:26 AM

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Hi there, my questions are:

1. Is it possible to change the red band around each picture to a different color? I'm guessing not because all screen shots I've seen have this color, and the help doesn't seem to talk about it.
2. When changing the item size using the slider, can you make the actual picture bigger, not just the frame? All that happens is the red band gets bigger with the frame, but not the picture itself. Maybe this has to do with the picture size?




Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Can you elaborate, e.g. with a screen shot?
What do you mean by red band? The Viewer uses yellow to indicate the current file in the film strip.

But this sounds more as if you mean the File Window?


When you use the zoom slider in the file window, you change the size in which the thumbnails are displayed. The thumbnail panel resize accordingly. Attach a screen shot of what you are seeing.

If your thumbnails int he file window are only very small (160 pixel), the reason is usually that you are working with RAW files but you have not installed a WIC codec for that format. Can this be the case? Select one of your files and run a WIC diagnosis via  Help > Support > WIC Diagnostics. Attach the result
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: monstermaha on September 27, 2014, 02:15:26 AM
1. Is it possible to change the red band around each picture to a different color? I'm guessing not because all screen shots I've seen have this color, and the help doesn't seem to talk about it.

If you're referring to the red highlight color in the File Window, you can change it in Edit/Preferences/File Window (e.g., Highlight Color).



I've attached two screen shots of what I'm talking about. I also tried changing this red band color in Preferences/File Window, but nothing seemed to work. And in the item size screen shot, I mean to say item size, not thumbnail, as the slider is called item size.



[attachment deleted by admin]


1. Ah, you are talking about the File Window, not the Viewer.

As John wrote, you can change the colors used in the file window under Edit > Preferences > File Window. The red color is used to indicate the selected and focused file. Change the corresponding color (Background color, selected/focused). Just look for the red colors in that dialog and change them.

2. The size of the thumbnails in the file window is limited by the size of the thumbnails you create. By default, IMatch uses 300 pixel thumbnails, which is quite enough for screen resolutions up to 3000 pixel horizontal.

You can increase the panel size via the slider in the File Window until only one panel fits. The thumbnail size will automatically adapt, up to the maximum size available (default: 300 pixel). This allows you to use very large panels if you have a layout which shows a lot of metadata. Check your settings under Edit > Preferences > Database.

[attachment deleted by admin]
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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What also can be a point, if you do enable stretching the thumb. You can set this with the preferences, like shown in the attachement.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Okay! Issue 1 resolved! Thank you! Sorry I was calling it the viewer. I'm sure it would have helped if I'd had the name correct. I was able to change the colors to my liking.

On the thumbnail size, you say the size is limited by what I create. Do you mean when I set up the database or the picture as it comes out of the camera. I tried changing the thumbnail size to 1200, and the thumbnail remained the same size when I increased the panel size. I tried it with both a jpg and nef file. It's not too big of a deal. I'll probably stumble upon it one day.

The settings in the layout editor are the same as as what's shown in sinus's attachment, but that doesn't stretch the thumbnail. But I did see how I can add information to the panel, so that's a bonus!

Thank you for your help!



See the corresponding detailed info in the IMatch help (just search the index for thumbnail).

When IMatch indexes files, it creates a thumbnail and stores it in the database. This allows IMatch to access and render the thumbnail quickly. The size of this thumbnail is configured under Edit > Preferences > Database. Changing that after the thumbnails size only affects new files or files which are updated. Existing thumbnails in the database will not be re-created by changing this option. But that's explained in the help so please look there. Just press <F1> when in the Database options dialog.

You can force IMatch to re-create thumbnails by forcing a file refresh (select the files you want to refresh, then press <Ctrl>+<Shift>+<F5>). Or hold down <Ctrl> while choosing the Rescan command for a folder or file. Search the help index for force to find the info.

The default size for thumbnails is balanced between database size and display size. 300 pixel is quite large (see my screen shot above). Generating thumbnails with 1200 pixels is maybe not really a good idea, because such a thumbnail requires 16 times as much disk space than a 300 pixel thumbnail. Your database will grow dramatically, and this is surely nothing you want. That's why IMatch shows you the estimated disk space requirements.

Sometimes IMatch creates thumbnails smaller than the requested size, usually at 160 pixel. This happens when IMatch does not support the file format, or it's a RAW file and there is no WIC codec installed for that format, or the WIC codec does not support the specific format. In this case IMatch falls back to use whatever thumbnail image is embedded in the image, and that's often an 160x120 pixel EXIF thumbnail. In this case the thumbnail size in the file window is limited to that size of course.

May this be the case with your installation? Do this:

Reset the thumbnail size to 300 pixel.
Switch IMatch to Debug Logging (Help menu > Support > Debug Logging)
Rescan one of your folders. Right-click the folder, hold down <Ctrl> and choose Rescan. In the dialog, choose "force refresh".
ZIP the IMatch log file and attach. For details, search the help index for log file.

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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