Metadata problem -- Can ECP fix this? HOW?

Started by BanjoTom, October 13, 2014, 11:20:40 PM

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I have a number of files (about 100, perhaps) in my IMatch 5.2.6 database that somehow, sometime, acquired an erroneous metadata "Description" that reads "OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA."  The description metadata field is actually {File.MD.XMP::dc\description\Description\0}.   I'll also note that I did once have an Olympus point-and-shoot camera, and over the years I may have put the images through a variety of transformations using Photoshop and/or Polyview software.

BUT -- regardless of the original cause of that erroneous Description (see attached image example with that showing in the Metadata panel), I find that I cannot delete that description, either manually or using a Metadata Template.  Either way, when I try, the image *seems* to lose the "OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA" text in the Description field, but when I do a metadata writeback, the metadata panel shows "Updating" and then -- the incorrect Description returns!

An ExifTool error report then shows the following cryptic text in the output panel:
----- Runtime: 0.0 s.
Warning: Bad MakerNoteOlympus offset for DataDump - C:\Users\Public\Documents\Grafx_Adler\Hi-Res\2004\2004_10Oct\PA260004.JPG
Warning: Bad MakerNoteOlympus offset for DataDump - C:\Users\Public\Documents\Grafx_Adler\Hi-Res\2004\2004_10Oct\PA260004.JPG
Warning: Bad MakerNotes offset for DataDump - C:/Users/Public/Documents/Grafx_Adler/Hi-Res/2004/2004_10Oct/PA260004.JPG
Error: Truncated InteropIFD directory - C:/Users/Public/Documents/Grafx_Adler/Hi-Res/2004/2004_10Oct/PA260004.JPG

I've found that I can clean up that erroneous Description field by opening the image in Photoshop, going to File Info, deleting the Description, and then re-saving the image -- but that's very tedious and slow.

I can also use the ECP to Delete All Metadata from any of the affected images, but of course, then I lose all metadata, including the metadata that IS correct, for example, the Created Date or Digitized Date, etc.

I don't know enough about the ECP to properly set it up to delete JUST that one field of metadata.  Can any of you experts point me towards a solution? 

[attachment deleted by admin]
— Tom, in Lexington, Kentucky, USA


I had this problem with images by Olympus Cams as well. As far I remember it's not erroneous done by other software but coming in again and again from EXIF.
It's like a pest.
I actually can't recall right now anymore, how I get rid of it, but I will check tomorrow.
Until then try to remove it with a metadata template removing the corresponding EXIF and/or IPTC values - see attachment.
In case you shot ORF, you might also run the template against them...

[attachment deleted by admin]


This sounds familiar - I have some photos from a friend who had an Olympus camera which also had "OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA" in the description. As you said, no telling now how that got there.

The problem of returning metadata can be caused by a number of different things, as Joerg says; it's part of the metadata mess that Metadata Working Group standards are intended to fix. The ExifTool warnings you list suggest that some prior program may have damaged your metadata (not as unusual as we all would like).

In terms of fixing your issue, below is some ExifTool code that can be used in the ExifTool Command Processor:

Fix Damaged Metadata

I believe this code is correct, but be sure to test it on copies first!

It may be helpful if you run the 'List Metadata' ECP command on some sample images, and post the results here. That should give us a better idea of exactly what's going on with your images, including whether there's any corruption.



I don't think that this is Olympus specific.

There are some EXIF fields that replicate IPTC and XMP information.  One such field is ImageDescription.  Some cameras allow to fill this fields in in-camera.  Some software will fill in this EXIF field when populating IPTC / XMP.  I *think* V3.6 used to do this. 

So what I think is happening is that you delete the XMP field but under MWG rules IMatch is reading the EXIF and repopulating XMP (and perhaps IPTC).

An ECP run with the setting -ImageDescription= should do the trick, but I suggest that you test this on a duplicate first. 

Before IMatch 5 I had an ExifTool command line batch job to delete this field and one or two other fields that were similar.  I think that there's a copyright field you can sometimes get in EXIF and perhaps also an artist field, but it's been a while since I've had to deal with this.


There was a thread recently about use of initials.  What does ECP stand for?


I had this issue with all the files (MRW) from my Minolta A1. Originally the Exif ImageDescription tag contains "Minolta DSC". IM copies it to xmp:decription...

Simplest way to take it away is to select all files and delete {File.MD.XMP::dc\description\Description\0} in the metadata panel. This works IF in metadata2 you allow write to Exif for the MRW file format. Otherwise Exif is not updated and Imatch will copy it back to xmp:description.


ECP is the exiftool command panel (F9,E), should work too, but from within the metadata panel is simplest in my view.


For the record, jch2103's method worked -- seemed to fix the file error or corruption, after which I could successfully delete the "OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA" text in the Image Description field.   I need to spend a LOT more time with the Exiftool Command Processor documentation, even to understand the ECP method that John/jch2103 recommended . . .  but for now, I'm happy and able to enter and keep corrected Image Descriptions for those affected images. 

THANKS to one and all for your help!   
— Tom, in Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Quote from: BanjoTom on October 16, 2014, 03:03:16 AM
I need to spend a LOT more time with the Exiftool Command Processor documentation,
THANKS to one and all for your help!
And thank you Tom for spelling out ECP.