Automatically remove description metadata

Started by EmilienH, October 16, 2014, 12:07:39 PM

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Hello everyone,

I would like to know if there is a way to automatically remove description metadata when we import files inside the database. I would like to use description data to put informations but there is our camera name inside the description.

Best regards



I assume you refer to the XMP description tag?
If so, you can empty it with a Metadata Template, and then run this template when you import files into your database automatically (After creating the template, configure it under Edit > Preferences > Indexing to it is run automatically).

But this sounds like a problem discussed in a recent thread, maybe you are affected by the same camera issue:


Yes it's exactly the same camera issue.

I found the solutions to this problem. I created one metadata template to delete the description and added the username inside XPM author. After I apply this metadata template when I indexing new files.
It's works, I think it's a good solution.

