Hierachical keywords of ACDSee

Started by Schmidtze, July 17, 2013, 12:07:56 PM

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as I just see, ACDSee now supports also hierachical keywords, unfortunately with their own tag acdsee:keywords. Maybe this tag can be considered also besides lr:hierarchicalSubject.

Best regards


Adobe does their proprietary thing - which I consider the most "standard" and hence support it in IMatch 5.

The MWG came up with their own thing to deal with hierarchical keywords. But pretty late and with a too flawed, too bloated and overly complicated concept to handle typical hierarchical keyword setups used by IMatch users.

Now, instead of using any of the more or less established ways, Corel invents their own namespace and puts keywords into that proprietary namespace. Does ACDSee maybe offer an option to use LR-style hierarchical keyword storage? Then, maybe not. Sounds like a good customer lock-in feature...  ???

* Does Corel offer a reason for this?
* Some documentation you are aware of?
* Can you supply a couple of sample files?
* Does ACDSee support the standardized keywords: classic IPTC keywords, XMP dc:subject, XMP::IPTCCore keywords?

You should be able to use these keywords in data-driven categories in IMatch 5 without problems. But that's not the same as keywords.

How are the keywords formatted / laid out in the file? Maybe they can be converted by an IMatch 5 Metadata Template? Or maybe a script can be written (if there is real demand) to extract these keywords and put them into XMP hierarchical keywords?