categories formula (exclusiv)

Started by HGF, November 06, 2014, 10:25:26 AM

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Hello, I'm struggling with the correct formula in Formula Editor. I created test folder, containing 7 files assigned to one or more categories (Kat1/ Kat2/ Kat3). (see attachment1). Filter on Categories Kat1 works as designed. :) (see attachment2). Goal is to create a category filter showing me pics (in this case just1) belonging to Kat1 only (exclusiv). I tried "@CatDistinct[Kattest|Kat1]"  unfortunately result is zero. (see attachment3). What I'm doing wrong? What would be the correct formula? Thanks in advance, HGF

[attachment deleted by admin]


The @CatDistinct formula returns all files only assigned to the given category, but to no other category.
If your result is empty, check the files in the Category Panel. Are they really only assigned to this one category? Make sure you also show @Keywords, because keywords count as categories.

Tip: Start your expression with @All| for improved performance. See help for details.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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As you can see in Attachment4 Kat1.jpg is assigned to category Kattest/Kat1 only. I changed formula to   "@All" AND "@CatDistinct[Kattest|Kat1]", result still zero. AND replaced by OR or NOT gives me more than 170000 pics, HGF

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: HGF on November 06, 2014, 12:41:39 PM
As you can see in Attachment4 Kat1.jpg is assigned to category Kattest/Kat1 only. I changed formula to   "@All" AND "@CatDistinct[Kattest|Kat1]", result still zero. AND replaced by OR or NOT gives me more than 170000 pics, HGF

Maybe you must also enable showing also the data-driven cats.

As you can see, I guess, your image is automatically also asigned to one or more other cats. (see attachement)

[attachment deleted by admin]
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Formula now is "@All" AND "IMatch Beispielkategorien" AND "@CatDistinct[Kattest|Kat1]" result still zero. Bye the way, is it possible to switch off data driven cat?


Don't use "@All" AND...
I meant (as explained in the help) you should use @CatDistinct[@All|Kattest|Kat1] so IMatch does not need to search all your categories.
When you look at the Category Panel, make sure you show @Keywords (toolbar button).
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


Now formula is "@CatDistinct[@All|Kattest|Kat1]", result zero. There is no selection in @Keyword for Kat1.jpg but there are some selections in IMatch Beispielkategorien that I cannot change. I guess this is data driven. Therefore my question, is it possible to switch off data driven categories. HGF


Quote from: HGF on November 06, 2014, 02:39:33 PM
Now formula is "@CatDistinct[@All|Kattest|Kat1]", result zero. There is no selection in @Keyword for Kat1.jpg but there are some selections in IMatch Beispielkategorien that I cannot change. I guess this is data driven. Therefore my question, is it possible to switch off data driven categories. HGF

If you do not use this cats, you can simply delete all these data-driven-cats.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


That's it, when deleting  Beispielskategorien I got 1 hit - as expected. I'm fine now, thank you very much for your support,    :)