Tag manager shows tags which can not be searched for via VALUE search

Started by ubacher, November 09, 2014, 10:12:53 AM

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The tag manager shows me that I have some tags stored of type SONY SHOTINFO. Screenshot 1.

I tried to find the images having this metadata. When I try to select the tag in the tag selector
(to use it with the Value filter) it does not show the constituent fields. I can not filter for these values.
Screenshot 2.

Should this be a bug report? or is it a problem of understanding?

Is there any other way to find the images which produced this tag entry?

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There is a similar issue with tag group NikonCustomSettingsD3.
See the two screenshots.

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In your first screen shot you filter groups by shot, but also filter out all tags which do not contain shot. This cannot work when you look for tags named Face..._

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Looks like I did not understand/know how to properly use the tag selector.