Value Filter: too many elements to display

Started by StanRohrer, November 28, 2014, 09:36:46 PM

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"There are too many elements to display in the value filter for this tag."

This shows in my Filter Manager / Value Filter: "Keywords" box.

This is an error I got when trying to determine which files in my collection have no assigned keywords though can occur for any of a number of Filter attempts. Apparently the Filter Manager / Value Filter: "Keywords" box runs out of memory when roughly 10,000 keywords can be found in the category @Keywords (per a Mario comment). The error, of course, will show for most any operation attempt using the Keywords box when 10,000 keywords exist.

Alternate Filter methods will have to be used to avoid the Value Filter when 10,000 keywords exist.

For my case of finding files with Keywords Missing I set the following:

Metadata Search
Not Regular Expression  .*
(checked) AND/OR consider all tags
Selected Tags
Hierarchical Keywords

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Value filters are not designed to be used with tags which produce more than 10,000 different values to be shown. The 10,000 is a limit I have introduced to protect users and to prevent the list box control from running out of memory.

Having 10,000 items in a pick list is not very useful anyway. The other methods you mention (especially using the @Keywords hierarchy in the Category Filter) are much better suited to quickly find files having specific keywords when the database has more than 10,000 different keywords.