All good.. Versions of Raw file are indeed displayed

Started by bastian, December 11, 2014, 10:56:59 AM

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I am currently struggling to set up my CaptureOne/imatch workflow  :-[  I have done whatever I found advised in the manual and on the internet but it simply does not do anything:

My folder-structure is the following:

.. The jpgs in the Output folder should be displayed instead of the raw .cr2 files.

I have thus set up:

However, in imatch I only ever get to see the raw imagery:

Thank you,



This board is for posting tips & tricks, and for tutorials.
Since you ask a question, I will move your post over to the General Discussion board.


This looks as if IMatch cannot find the versions, correct?

Did you change the file relations after the files had already been added to the database?
In this case, you need to refresh the relations for the folder (select the folder in the Media & Folders View and then press <F4>,<R>.

It's not that easy to tell from your screen shots. The original files are in the "Selects" folder, and the version are in the "Outputs" folder, which is on the same level as "Selects"? In this case {p1}\Output would be correct.


that is correct. I had set the relations before adding the files and refreshing won't change anything.

-- Test
+-- Selects ... contains raw files
+-- Output ... contains jpgs for displaying purposes

I also find bizarre that the size displayed below (1600 x 1200) does not correspond to the real sizes:


There are a couple of Capture One users here.  I use it a little, others more so.

Can I start by asking you which version of C1 you are using, and more importantly are you using C1 catalogs or sessions?  I don't use C1 catalogs myself, as I strongly suspect that they're not compatible with IMatch.

If you are using sessions, then you probably need to add the folder "Test" to the database, since it contains both selects and output.  It appears to me that you've only added the selects folders.   


Do you have an up-to-date WIC codec installed? The image size IMatch displays is the "original image size" it has received from the WIC codec.

Select one of your files in a File Window and then go to Help > Support > WIC Diagnosis.
Attach the result. This will tell us if and which WIC codec is installed and what information it returns.


I reproduced your setup:

|- RAW Files
|- Versions

and using the {p1}\Versions to specify where to find the versions. Then I did a <F4>,<R> on the RAW Files Folder. The versions in the Version folder are found. So this should work for you as well. Maybe some issue with the file mask or anything?


Quote from: Ferdinand on December 11, 2014, 01:46:48 PM
If you are using sessions, then you probably need to add the folder "Test" to the database, since it contains both selects and output.  It appears to me that you've only added the selects folders.

that's it! I was not aware that the folders containing versions also had to be present in the database, thank you.

I would still like the jpg version with the exact same file name (if it exists) to be displayed instead of the raw file but without making it the master file. Is that possible?

Quote from: Mario on December 11, 2014, 02:11:28 PM
Select one of your files in a File Window and then go to Help > Support > WIC Diagnosis.
Attach the result. This will tell us if and which WIC codec is installed and what information it returns.

List of installed codecs:
Codec 'BMP Decoder' for extensions .bmp,.dib,.rle
Codec 'GIF Decoder' for extensions .gif
Codec 'ICO Decoder' for extensions .ico,.icon
Codec 'JPEG Decoder' for extensions .jpeg,.jpe,.jpg,.jfif,.exif
Codec 'PNG Decoder' for extensions .png
Codec 'TIFF Decoder' for extensions .tiff,.tif
Codec 'WMPhoto Decoder' for extensions .wdp,.jxr
Codec 'Phase One Image Decoder 2' for extensions .TIFF,.TIF,.IIQ,.IIP,.EIP,.MOS

Testing file 'D:\Pictures\Bastian\2014\2014 Lyon\Selects\IMG_0047.CR2'
Thumbnail: Codec ''
(CreateDecoderFromStream failed (88982F50 Unknown error 0x88982F50).) 0x0 pixel in 0 ms.
Preview: Codec ''
(CreateDecoderFromStream failed (88982F50 Unknown error 0x88982F50).) 0x0 pixel in 0 ms.
Full resolution: Codec ''
(CreateDecoderFromStream failed (88982F50 Unknown error 0x88982F50).) 0x0 pixel in 0 ms.

so yes, I'll need to install Codecs for CR2 and NEF.


1. IMatch does not know about files in folders not indexed by your database (buddy files are an exception). For versioning to work, master and version need to be indexed.

2. When you choose a version to be used as a visual proxy to represent the master file visually, this does not change all other aspects of the master file. IMatch will always display the master file name (which may, and often does, differ from the name of the version) and the master metadata and attributes.


Yes! This does exactly what I want. brilliant. I guess I have found my christmas present  :)


Very good. Welcome to the family.
Have fun with IMatch. Spread the word!
