imfwl - where does one import

Started by Aubrey, January 08, 2015, 08:31:47 AM

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In which tab of the preference section does one upload a file with extension .imfwl?

I have spent last 15 minutes, looking everywhere, (searched in help file also!)

I would like to import the file described by Markus in the thread:



That's a file window layout (IMFWL - IMatch File Window Layout).
You import it via the Import & Export button in the File Window layout dialog.

When you just type IMFWL in the help index you'll find the corresponding help topic. Easy as that to get help. No need to waste 15 minutes.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Hmmm, I typed the word into search, not index. I know for next time! :-[


Quote from: Aubrey on January 08, 2015, 08:43:26 AM
Hmmm, I typed the word into search, not index. I know for next time! :-[

Go to the Layout Editor (the fifth icon on the right to the sort-icon (avove the tumbs)), choose "edit Layouts ...".

A windows opens and there you can choose at the bottom of it "Import/Export".

Note, that some lines, what I use in my template, you will not see, because I use for example Attributes. But you will see, how you can make it, I hope.  :)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Many thanks, I now see the overall idea and therefore can tailor my setup for exactly what I require.
It would be nice if there was an easy way to grab the metadata to save  typing!



QuoteIt would be nice if there was an easy way to grab the metadata to save  typing!

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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My comment "It would be nice if there was an easy way to grab the metadata to save  typing!"
Was referring to building a Custom Template where one needs to know the precise name of each of the attributes and type in these attributes.

I appreciate that one can use the "Attribute" row when using a simple expression.

Hope this clarifies!



You know that you can pick your Variables (including Attribute variables) from the Variable Selector Dialog by clicking on the ... button? No need to type this manually. Use the tools.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Thank you for the tip. I'm learning a lot over the last few days.


Quote from: Aubrey on January 08, 2015, 06:08:29 PM
I'm learning a lot over the last few days.

That's great. Remember: The help is your friend. It usually pays off to do a <F1> key when you're stuck. Or just before you try something new. Not all features are obvious (or the user interface would literally explode) and by checking the help first you may save a lot of time and trial-and-error.

For example, if you want to the variable for any metadata tag displayed in the Metadata Panel: Right-click and then "Copy as Variable". Then paste into whatever feature you work with variables.

The Var Toy app (in the App Panel) is a great tool to try out things with variables, because it immediately shows you the results. Great if you try to format variables in specific ways or to try out all the formatting functions.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Thank you all for help and patience. I now have a view I am very happy with.

I used part of Markus' template and some others I found and then did many mods.

Final result is attached.

Again the manual was very clear once I got my head around the syntax. The worked examples of others and searching the forum helped.


[attachment deleted by admin]


Hi Aubrey,
that view looks great. I'd like to achieve pretty much the same. Would you mind publishing your definitions?
Many thanks.


Congratulation, Aubrey, well done!

Looks very good. My own "layout" is still not finished yet completely, but I hope soon ;)

Have fun with your nice looking layout and of course with your images.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


As requested
Quote from: hro on January 09, 2015, 07:34:22 AM
Would you mind publishing your definitions?

Attached is my definition. (Thanks to Markus for Header 1 Right!)

As usual you need to change the extension to imfwl from txt, one can only post files with selected extensions.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Awesome. Many thanks Aubrey. I'll try it out tonight.