My workaround for getting full size NEF in Quick Viewer

Started by monstermaha, January 20, 2015, 02:44:06 AM

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After a bit of research in these forums and reading people's road bumps with NEF files and quick view not grabbing the embedded preview file and only displaying a small version of the picture in the quick view, and reading possible ways to resolve the issue (which I followed and did not work for me and I won't pretend that I understand all the acronyms in play), I discovered this work around, because I was having the same problems. But not on every file. I noticed that any picture I'd edited in Capture NX2, rendered at its full size in the quick viewer. So...

I installed the Nikon codec (although I don't think this was necessary) as part of my trouble shooting. That had no affect. Then I tested a non-rendering NEF file by running it through Capture NX2, adding a blank adjustment (you can't save the file with the same name unless you do something), and voila, it then rendered full size in quick view. After that, I ran a batch process on all my NEF files for one of my folders, rescanned that folder in IMatch and now all my previously non-rendering NEF files are rendering quite nicely in the quick view. The best thing is that I'd already cataloged these pictures, and none of that effort was deleted. Awesome!  :)

I've attached a screen shot of the settings I used in Capture NX2.

Files affected were taken with either Nikon D7000 or D7100.

I hope this helps others with the same issues I was having, and I apologize if someone else has already posted this solution.

[attachment deleted by admin]


IMatch by default always uses the embedded preview in your NEF files.

If this does not work, there is either

- no suitably sized preview embedded in the NEF file
- the installed (and required) WIC codec is unable to extract the preview
- the settings you have chosen under Edit > Preferences > Cache prevent IMatch from using the embedded preview

If your files only contain small previews (you an configure that in-camera often or in the Nikon software) you can force IMatch to skip the preview by demanding a minimum preview size which is larger than the embedded preview. For example, if you demand 2000 pixel, and the embedded preview is only 800 pixel, IMatch will always use the full RAW. Keep in mind that most codecs can deliver the embedded preview in about 1/10 of the time it takes them to develop the full RAW to you may notice a performance hit. Always better to store a full-size preview in the RAW if the camera/software allows that.

Note: Installing a WIC codec after the cache images have been created required you to rescan the files using Shift+Ctrl+F5, force update.

To check if you have a suitable WIC codec installed and what it can extract from one of your NEF files, use Help > Support > WIC diagnosis in IMatch 5.

See also the comprehensive help topic for Cache for detailed information.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: Mario on January 20, 2015, 08:16:38 AM

Note: Installing a WIC codec after the cache images have been created required you to rescan the files using Shift+Ctrl+F5, force update.

Oh. This might actually be the reason why it worked then, and may have had nothing to do with saving it out of Capture NX2. I'll give it a try.


When you save an image in CSX, it will also re-create the embedded preview - usually a full-size preview.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I just tried rescanning and that didn't resolve the problem. Oh, well, as long as I can get it to work, and it seems like I can by running through Capture NX2, then it's fine with me. I was pulling my hair out before and really wanted to make it work. I'll also check my in-camera settings.

And actually I just checked the photos taken with the problems at all with full image in quick view, so no rescanning or work around necessary for those (or in the future). The issues seem to be with the pics taken with the D7000, which I replaced a few months ago.



Do a Help menu > Support > WIC diagnosis in IMatch.
The output tells us if your codec is able to handle the given format (there are about 50 different .NEF formats in use now), if your files contain embedded previews, how large these are etc.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I attached three WIC diagnoses:

Doesn't render large (straight out of camera)
Renders large No special treatment (to the picture)
Renders large Ran through Capture

Hope the file names make sense.



[attachment deleted by admin]


The WIC codec is able to extract the preview in all three cases. This is what IMatch will use. Looks good to me.

When you update/install a WIC codec after you have added files to your database, you need to rescan the files with the "force update" mode (Select files or folder, then <Shift>+<Ctrl>+<F5> for the advanced rescan options). Only then IMatch re-creates thumbnails and cache files using the installed WIC codec.


- Enable debug logging under Help > Support.
- Select a few files which show this problem in a file window
- Shift+Ctrl+F5, in the dialog choose "Force Update"

Copy the log file via Help > Support > Copy Logfile and ZIP and attach to your reply. This shows us what IMatch is doing.
Make a screen shot of your Cache settings under Edit > Preferences > Cache if you have made changes to the default settings.

Retry the files in the Viewer.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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