Can I re-size the thumbnails without re-building the cache file as well?

Started by Tallpics, January 29, 2015, 11:13:16 PM

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I hope I haven't missed the option. There are so many!

I have a well established database of over 300,000 pics. I would now like to use larger Thumbnails as I have a larger monitor. Current Thumnail size is 300 px - new size will be 800 px.

I know that I can re-size the Thumbnails using the 'Force Update' in the re-scan menu. This has worked for me on a couple of test folders.

However this option also re-builds the cache file. That takes a very long time for so many files and then also requires all my (several) backups to be updated. This isn't necessary as the cache image doesn't actually need to change.

I am hoping that I have missed an option to just re-size the Thumbnails. Can you help?


BTW I have posted a few times before as 'andrewlep' but have had to create a new account as the old one has given problems :(

Carlo Didier

Don't know for your primary question, but a question of my own comes to mind: why would you backup the cache?


1. Using 800 pixel thumbnails is not advisable. An 800 pixel thumbnail requires about 7 times as much storage in the database. And that for 300,000 files. This will blow up everything pretty much.

2. And you will probably never use that size in the file window - I mean how many 800 pixel thumbnails do you fit in a file window at that size? 4 or 8 maybe?

3. Thumbnails are only re-generated when you force an update of the image file. And this will also update the cache file.

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Thank you for the replies.

To answer Carlo Didier...

As my middle name is 'Paranoid' I tend to backup everything - more than once! I know that in the case of the Cache folder this can be re-generated from the original files, however that process takes days when a database is as big as mine. A backup seems like a good idea :)

I have been using IMatch for many years and have 'invested' thousands of hours into the organisation of my pics. I say again... BACKUP, BACKUP, BACKUP ;)

Thank you Mario for your comment and advice and as I don't intend to 'blow up' my database I'll refrain from enlarging the thumbnails!

As IMatch works so smoothly (even with over 300,000 images) it can be forgotten just how much work it is doing in the background. You really have done an incredible job!

The reason that I considered enlarging the thumbnails was that I enjoyed the 'look' on a big screen and it made selection of images a smoother process.

Just as a matter of interest. Are you actually saying that a large database (over 300,00 pics) using 800 pixel thumbnails is impossible or would a very high-end computer Processor/SSD's/Memory be able to handle the load?

Maybe in a couple of years computers will offer the required horsepower?


Carlo Didier

Quote from: Tallpics on January 30, 2015, 02:00:10 PMBACKUP, BACKUP, BACKUP ;)

You can call me paranoid too:
- backup to NAS
- backup to online service
- backup to USB disk in-house (a small safe)
- backup to USB disk which is stored at my work office (out of house)
- a simple synchronized copy (no history) on a USB disk for access during travels
But I don't backup the cache.
(I must note here that I'm an IT professional and one of my responsibilities are backups/restores, so I know everything that can go wrong and how important backups are)


Quote from: Tallpics on January 30, 2015, 02:00:10 PM
As IMatch works so smoothly (even with over 300,000 images) it can be forgotten just how much work it is doing in the background. You really have done an incredible job!

This sounds like a great quote!
I'm collecting such quotes for the IMatch web site. Potential users like to hear from users who already work with IMatch.
If you allow me to use your quote (scroll to the bottom of to see other quotes) I would need the name (title) to use for that quote.

Just as a matter of interest. Are you actually saying that a large database (over 300,00 pics) using 800 pixel thumbnails is impossible or would a very high-end computer Processor/SSD's/Memory be able to handle the load?
The database should be able to handle this, I just don't test this. Thumbnails need to be loaded from the disk, which takes longer for larger thumbnails. IMatch cannot cache as many 800 pixel thumbnails in memory than it can for smaller thumbnails. A 800 pixel thumbnails needs about 2 MB, compared to maybe 300KB for a 300 pixel thumbnail. Of course IMatch caches thumbnails in the size you use for the file window, so if you display thumbnails at 120 pixel, these numbers drop. But expect your database to become much larger and IMatch needing more time to load thumbnails. 800 pixel is a lot. Even on a 4 K display you get only four in a row! Much less, if you have other panels open.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Hi Mario,

You are very welcome to use my comment. I have been a long-term user and fan of IMatch and it is an essential tool for me. I recommend IMatch at every opportunity.

I am a pro 'tog who specialises in Sports, Gig/Festival and Press photography.

These genre's of photography produce a lot of pics to organise. IMatch is more than a 'match' for the job :)

You have asked for a name to use for a quote. I am happy for you to use my details:

Andrew Le Poidevin MCIJ
Guernsey, Channel Islands


-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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