How are IPTC ApplicationRecord tags generated in IM5 for JPEG files ?

Started by jarraun, March 26, 2015, 08:36:00 AM

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Hi IM5 users,

I´ve found lately that some of my JPEG files don´t have any IPTC ApplicationRecord tag, I need them for my Zenfolio webpage to read title, description an keywords. However what puzzles me is that other JPEG files have these tags and as far as I know all of them are generated in the same way as I explain here:

  • Edit NEF files in Capture NX2 and generate a TIFF file for every NEF
  • Index NEF and TIFF files in IM5 and add all metadata in IM5, all metadata preferences are keept as default
  • Batch process TIFF files and generate JPEG files within IM5 Batch Processor

I know this sounds too complicated but I have good reasons to do so.

I´d like someone explained me how these IPTC ApplicationRecord tags are generated for JPEG files and which metadata preferences would affect in case I´ve changed unconsciously some option.

Best regards



IMatch follows the rules and guidelines of the Metadata Working Group and the recommendations of the IPTC committee.
Since IM3 IPTC has been declared legacy more than 10 years ago, new files should only contain XMP metadata and no longer use IM3 IPTC data.
IMatch follows these rules and updates existing legacy IPTC data, but does not create new legacy IPTC. This is explained in the help for the Edit > Preferences > Metadata 2 configuration and the related topics about how IMatch creates, maintains and updates metadata.

If you still need legacy IPTC data in your files (Zenfolio should maybe revise their metadata strategy and move into the 21th century) you can enable this on a per-file format basis under Edit > Preferences > Metadata 2: File Formats. When you enable the creation of legacy IPTC data and you make a change to some XMP data, anything that causes a write back, IMatch will create, via ExifTool, a new legacy IPTC record from the XMP data.

But you really should not rely on legacy IPTC data formats abandoned by the IPTC itself 10 years ago. If Zenfolio still requires this, maybe tell them to look at current metadata formats.


Thank you Mario,

Please could you clarify a little bit more, would this be correct ?

  • In Metadata 2 Preferences I select JPEG files and set "Allow to create IPTC/EXIF/GPS" to yes
  • Then I change some XMP data in the NEF master file
  • Write back NEF master file and then IPTC tags will be created in the JPEG version file

Is this right ?



Fine Mario  ;D, works great.

What I don´t understand why other files previously batch processed in IM5, do have IPTC ApplicationRecord tags, I´m not aware of having never changed this Metadata 2 Preference. Has something changed in the last versions of IM5 ?
I´ve transmitted to Zenfolio the facts you explain in your last post, they say their engineers are going to look into.

Thank you.



Check your metadata options in the Batch Processor. Which data do you copy?


Sorry Mario, IMHO this this is not relevant as the batch processor use as source images TIFF files generated by Capture NX2 which are supossed not to have IPTC or XMP metadata, I use CNX2 exclusively for editing images not metadata. I think IPTC are loaded into output JPEG files generated by the Batch Processor when they meet their correspondents masters in the output folder. Am I right ?

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You tell IMatch to copy IPTC data from the original file. So if the original file used for the batch has that data, IMatch will copy it. Basically IMatch instructs ExifTool to copy IPTC data from the original to the output file in this case.


Sorry Mario, I´m misleading you. The original file has not yet metadata, so I have to change my Batch Processor options to not copy metadata to the output file.


I don't understand.
If the Batch Processor, as per your settings, copies legacy IPTC data from the source image to the target image, and the target image has IPTC data afterwards, the source image must have IPTC data as well.

Unless you also use file relations, and the images produced by the Batch Processor are versions of files, and your propagation rules copy legacy IPTC data or the metadata settings force creation of legacy IPTC data from XMP if the XMP data is updated in the file.

There are many things you can configure which may have an influence on which metadata gets created, copied or propagated...


QuoteUnless you also use file relations, and the images produced by the Batch Processor are versions of files, and your propagation rules copy legacy IPTC data or the metadata settings force creation of legacy IPTC data from XMP if the XMP data is updated in the file

That is Mario. I use the Batch Processor just to generate JPEG files, then introduce metadata to master NEF files and rely in master to version propagation to populate JPEG files with metadata.
