Expand/Collapse All in Media & Folders View

Started by whitefern, March 28, 2015, 07:09:44 AM

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I was wondering if there's an option to collapse or expand all folders in the Media & Folders View at once. I would rather not have to click the little plus or minus buttons for each and every folder.

Thanks for any advice.

~ Robin


This is a standard Windows tree control and it supports the standard Windows keyboard shortcuts for expanding and collapsing items. See the IMatch help for details - e.g. the help topic for the Category View. Expand the table of contents at the top and click on Frequently Used Category Commands. Or search the help topic for the word keyboard with <Ctrl>+<F>.


Brilliant! I didn't know that and I did search but couldn't find anything that made sense to me. I don't understand probably a quarter of what this programme can do but I don't need all the functions. I just wanted something robust, reliable and quick and it has everything I need so I'm very happy that I found IMatch. I just had an SSD installed and everything is sooo F A S T! I use IMatch every time I'm on my laptop and I love it!
Thanks, Mario.
~ Robin


Hi, Robin

even long-time Windows users often don't know these standard Windows keyboard shortcuts for trees controls. They also work in Windows Explorer and basically in all applications which use the standard tree control.

IMatch is a big application and contains many, many features. Chances are that you won't use some of these features ever - because you don't need them in your workflow. Features which are paramount for some users are totally irrelevant for others. Every user is different.

But it may pay off if you browse the IMatch help, especially the Visual Index, to get a quick overview of all the major feature areas. You may find features which improve the quality of your work, or speed up your workflow.

Print out the IMatch Quick Start Guide (Help menu). At least the handy keyboard cheat sheets at the end. These not only give you a good overview over all major features but also list all frequently used keyboard shortcuts.

The IMatch Knowledge Base on my web site is constantly growing. Always worth a look. If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter (see my signature below) you'll get info about IMatch updates and new know-how articles immediately.


Thank you! I so appreciate your helpful responses. I'm sure you're a busy man but you, and other users here, are always there for us. This did not happen when I was using another DAM software. You are very much appreciated.
~ Robin


I consider above average support as an important part of the IMatch package. I try to give the support I'd wish to receive for software I use myself.