Thumbnail size

Started by Aubrey, April 01, 2015, 03:25:37 PM

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In my Fileviewer I have set my layout to stretch thumbnails.
This does not happen when I use the zoom slider at the top of the layouts.

See original.jpg and zoomed.jpg

Is this simply because the thumbnail size is set to 300?


[attachment deleted by admin]


The thumbnails cannot become bigger as the size set in the database. The larger panels then just have more space for text.


Hi Aubrey

Mario is right, of course. The expanded thumb cannot be bigger than your setting in the DB.
It depends on the monitor and your wishes. If you think, the thumbs should be bigger, then you must simply set the pixel higher and let IM creating the thumbs new.

I made some examples, the pixels set to some size and zoomed then bigger, always with stretched thumbs.
And then zoomed bigger. And set the pixel then higher.

See the attachement. Gives you maybe an idea.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


For me the size of 300 px is quite good, it the monitors grows more and more, ok, then I will some days set the pixel higher and let IM create the thumbs anew. No problem.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Many thanks for your informative post.

I'll just stick to the 300, otherwise my database will become considerably larger.
