Time shifting - 5.4.2

Started by Aubrey, April 02, 2015, 07:55:20 AM

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I'm trying to shift time of some images, darned daylight saving time caught me out!
I want to shift images by 1h3mins, but no success in IMatch.

I can do it using the external EXIFGUI program. So is it my setup or is there an issue within IMatch?

Attached are screen captures of my request and my current metadata.



[attachment deleted by admin]


QuoteI want to shift images by 1h3mins, but no success in IMatch.
This means what, exactly?
Error message? Wrong time set? No change?


"I want to shift images by 1h3mins, but no success in IMatch" was my comment.

Perhaps a clearer explanation is:
I want to change the timestamp on my images by 1 hour and 3 minutes. i.e. add 1 hour 3 minutes to the current time shown.
This is not working for me using Tools | Modify EXIF time and data.

Is there something wrong in how I have specified the time change, or is there an issue with my metadata2 setup that will not allow the time to be modified?

When it did not work in IMatch I then used a program ExifToolGUI  which has a GUI for Exif, There I was able to make a change.

I would prefer to make changes in IMatch.



Hi Aubrey,
I think it would be helpful to Mario if you could describe in more detail what actually happens when you make the change. In your posts so far you only seem to describe what you would like to do, but I see no mention of the results or what went wrong. A specific example using one of your files might be best. What does the metadata look before and after the change?



Hi Sebastian,
I want to make a time change, but it did not work. No change of time.
It's really as simple as that!
are my parameters for making the change correct? metadata2 is quite picky about how it allows a change.

I have made changes with earlier versions of IM5 but now it does not work. Anybody else with this issue?



Hi Aubrey,
Try making a copy of one of your photos. Resize that photo to a super small size, like 100 px wide (to keep the file size down) and make a backup of that tiny photo before trying to change the time. Then give the time change with the settings you've included in your first post and if you're still seeing no change, attach both, the backup before making the change and the photo after the change to your reply.
That way, we could take a look at the photo before and after the change. That might help in figuring out what's going on.



This should just work. I've made some tests here and it works as intended.

1. Please make sure that the image contains EXIF date and time information. You can see that in the metadata panel.
If IMatch instructs ExifTool to shift EXIF date and time but the image has no EXIF date and time fields, the command will just do nothing.

2. Try to set an absolute date and time for one of your files. Does that work?
If this works, does a relative change afterwards work too?

3. Open the ExifTool output panel with <F9>,<O>

Then change the date and time of a file.
Copy the contents of the output panel into a text file and attach it to your reply.
This shows us the commands IMatch sends to ExifTool and any warning or error messages returned by ExifTool.


I had closed IMatch. Following your message I reopened it and opened the output ready to send to you. However this time the conversion  went perfectly.

I don't have an explanation as to why it would not work earlier.

Apologies for the waste of your time.



Strange. Computers!!!
Let us know when this happens again. The info in the output panel is important because if there is a problem writing the file (e.g. because it is open in another application, blocked by a virus checker, wrong format or whatever) we can see the messages from ExifTool.