mp4/Quicktime metadata protected

Started by UdoL, April 09, 2015, 12:22:48 AM

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I'm new to IMatch and testing it for my purposes at present. So far I'm really impressed!

One thing I haven't yet found a way to handle with is editing of mp4 metadata. I'd like to manage amongst other media data my movie files in IMatch. They are mp4's that come from internet recording services for TV. I wrote metadata from into the files using Mp3tag with a script provided in the Mp3tag community that extracts the credits from IMDb and imports them in Mp3tag. The result are mainly Quicktime tags that show up correctly in IMatch after importing the mp4 file.

Now I'd like to edit some tags:
- Add keywords
- Modify Genre
- Add critics text

But nearly all tags are shown as protected and therefore aren't editable (also nearly all id3 tags). I don't understand why. Is there any way to get the tags editable? I'd like to store the edited data within the file so that I would be able to import them with all metadata into another DAM system in the future if necessary.

Find attached a complete metadata export of a movie as example. Here I added a critics text in the {File.MD.XMP::fpv\RichTextComment\RichTextComment\0} because this doesn't cut the text length. But I'm not sure if this is a good idea.

[attachment deleted by admin]


IMatch marks all tags as write-protected which are declared as non-writable by ExifTool.
ExifTool does currently not write MP3 tags. It can only read them. I suggest you use one of the many dedicated MP3 editors out there for this purpose. You may also post a request on the ExifTool forum and ask for MP3 write support. I would also like to have this, but Phil seems to be reluctant to add this because of the many MP3 flavors in use and the overall 'fuzzyness' of the format.

Of course XMP metadata works with MP3 and video files as well as with other formats. If you use applications like IMatch 5 which can handle that.


Thanks for your fast answer!

In the meantime I've found an mp3 editor that seems to meet my requirements rather well because it's made especially for videos rather than for music: MetaX. It also writes longer texts in the long description tag. Nonetheless I'd wish that IMatch/Exiftools were able to make later corrections directly. So I think I'll post a feature request to exiftools.