Capterra review

Started by Mees Dekker, May 04, 2015, 05:09:12 PM

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Mees Dekker

I posted a review of IMatch on Capterra, but it is not yet visible to the public! Will probably take some time.

But the more, the merrier! So please help Mario and by that: also ourselves


Thanks, Mees

Capterra reviews every review (sic!) and new reviews are posted within 72 hours. Capterra is a moderated quality site, they even sent me an email to inform me about a typo in my product description!

I could already see your review    

I hope that many other IMatch users will follow your lead and write a review as well:

Other people looking for a DAM read these reviews and then may decide to download and try IMatch. And that's often already all that's needed...


I've just tried to leave a review on Capterra, too -- but so far its server has not sent me the mail I'm supposed to get to "confirm" submission of my review.    Hope they use it . . .

OH! Spoke too soon: I just confirmed.  Now I guess they have to review it, but hopefully people will eventually get to see the nice things I said about IMatch: its power, its helpful creator Mario, and this very supportive community of users . . .  ;)
— Tom, in Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Capterra takes up to 72 hours to release new reviews. They moderate all submissions.


I just sent a review. Pleased to be able to do it.



Quote from: oldhank on May 05, 2015, 01:54:33 PM
I just sent a review. Pleased to be able to do it.


In these modern times, every review, every link to me web site, every 'Like' on Facebook etc. is really important.
Search engines like Google and Bing consider all this when ranking and IMatch. The rank decides where IMatch is listed when a user searches for DAM, image management and similar. And as we all know: what's not on the first to third page in the search results, does not exist...    


I submitted a review yesterday. As of 1900 hrs GMT (I'm old) Capterra reports no reviews of IMatch. I'm in Arizona USA.


Reviews are published automatically after 72 hours.


OK, I just submitted mine... :)






We have 10 now. 12+1 more and we have more than Canto.
I'm sure the awesome IMatch community can handle this.


Just added another one, eleven down, two to go  ;)



Unfortunately, Canto has 22, so we'll need 23 to beat their user base  ;D ::)


Oops, I misunderstood you there  :-[

I am sure there are enough satisfied customers in this community to add some more reviews though.




Quote from: herman on May 06, 2015, 04:29:33 PM
I am sure there are enough satisfied customers in this community to add some more reviews though.
I really hope so. But it's an old truth: Satisfied users are quiet. You hear a lot more from users who are not satisfied or have problems.

For example, there are many users out there who still happily work with an older IMatch 3.6 version. I only hear from them when they buy a new PC, need to re-install their beloved IMatch and then learn about IMatch 5 and all the cool new things. These have changed their emails many times (so my "update available" emails don't reach them), they don't participate in the old user forum or here - they just manage their image collection with IMatch and are happy... ;)


Quote from: Mario on May 06, 2015, 04:49:57 PM

But it's an old truth: Satisfied users are quiet. You hear a lot more from users who are not satisfied or have problems.

True, true, also mostly in the real life  8)

A client, who is satisfied with delivered images will usually not give you a positive feedback, but when they think, something is not ok, then they are very quickly with a negative feedback  :o >:(
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I would write something, but my english is so limited, that I can't impress in english, what I want to say [at least in this form, that reader doesn't misunderstood it].  :(


Must it be in English?
Thinking out loud, I imagine it may have some advantage when you review in German, when you tell in your review that the program interface is also available in German and some other languages.
Provided that Capterra allows for a review in other languages than English.....



I've also added a review. The initial 72 hour wait must still be pending, as I don't see any reviews yet.


QuoteI've also added a review. The initial 72 hour wait must still be pending, as I don't see any reviews yet.

Ditto. Nor do I see any ratings.


The first review (actually the 2nd, after Pavel's from 2014) was posted only yesterday. Capterra publishes reviews after 72 hours, so the first reviews should become visible around Friday.


QuoteThe first review (actually the 2nd, after Pavel's from 2014) was posted only yesterday

Strange! I was there today and saw no reviews or ratings. I don't expect my review to show up until next week, if ever.



Glad to see that my IMatch review on Capterra is now visible (a day before Mario predicted).   Come on, the rest of you happy IMatch users!  Chime in with your experiences and comments about this indispensable DAM . . .
— Tom, in Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Just sent in my review as well. The first attempt failed as they don't tell you there's a limit. Only when you try to submit, the site displays:
"Review must be less than 2500 characters"
They also don't tell you how many characters you currently have. After a bit of editing in an editor that displays the character count, I got mine down to below the limit.



Thanks to all who took the time to write a review! Please keep going.

We have now 18 reviews (Jay!) and we need 23 (at least). This would put IMatch under the Top-5 reviewed products (not the best 5, but the 5 products with the most reviews). If users care enough about a product to write a review, it gives the product a lot of credibility. And you all have written very elaborate reviews with excellent info for potential new users.

I don't know if this attracts new users, but people looking for a DAM at Capterra can learn a lot about IMatch from your review. And then maybe try it themselves by downloading the trial version.


Just posted my review. Let's see when it will appear at the web site.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


If my count is correct, yours is the 20th. Just three more will move IMatch into fifth place but I hope IMatch users will add even more reviews so that IMatch is ensured of staying in the top five.


The review from Pavel V. is marked as 'pending'.

This usually means that the confirmation email sent by Capterra has not been replied to.

@Pavel: I see two reviews from you, both are in the state 'pending'. Probably you need to check your SPAM filter and allow the email from Capterra to pass.


About 50 forum member have logged 100+ posts here on the Community boards and well over 100 have posted at least 25 times. We post to get help and to learn - mostly from Mario. Only 20 have written a Capterra review.

So?? The few minutes required to write a short review to help Mario is small compared to the time we regular posters spend asking him to help us. Take the time to say thanks. There's more to life than just taking.


I'll write one, but then, when I have more time and not, that all are written in one day.


I have just submitted a short review.  I hope it helps.


Currently 24 Reviews.  :D


Yes. Amazing    
Thanks to all users who took the time to write a review.

I've already 'utilized' the reviews and included a Capterra Banner in the sidebar at The IMatch 5 overview page also links to the reviews  :)


Quote from: Menace on May 12, 2015, 01:58:26 PM
I'll write one, but then, when I have more time and not, that all are written in one day.
Ditto here ... on both points  :)

Colin P.