Searching for file with non-empty Description field

Started by pajaro, May 06, 2015, 02:30:04 PM

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I am wondering if this could be done: I am trying to search for files that contain any text in the Description field of the Metadata panel. I did not find a way how to do it, not even after searching the Help file and the forum.

Thanks for any help.



Use a Value filter for the Description tag.

+ Enable the Files with value option (which returns all files with a non-empty value for that tag).
+ Invert the filter

This returns all files in the current scope which have an empty Description.

To find all files without a description in your database, click on the Database node (or the @All category).


Mario was quicker and has the better answer!  8)

I tried the filter with a regular expression in the Metadata Search with the description-field and the expression:


Then invert it.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Mario and Markus,

Thank you both, I'll give it a try  :).




I have just tried it - used Mario's method. It works like a charm! Thanks a lot, it helped me enormously   :) .
