GPS filter confusion

Started by clpratt, May 29, 2015, 04:15:08 PM

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I was using the GPS filter in the Filter Panel to search for files at a particular Location. I had the Location button lit.
I was getting many more files selected than the Location itself.

Then I found that my chosen location was being extended to the "Maximum Distance" setting at the bottom of the GPS panel, which happened to be 1km.
This was unexpected, as the Filters help page (at section GPS / Location says "Select one or more locations to see only files within the areas covered by the selected locations."
This suggests that the radius in the Map Location settings is used, but this appears not to be the case. But if I set the "Maximum Distance to 0km then the correct files were returned.
In the same help section it says...
"Maximum Distance
This controls the radius around the GPS coordinates specified by the selected mode to consider for the filter."
I found this anomaly confusing, especially as I had the "Use coordinates below" unchecked so I didn't expect anything to affect the effective radius of the chosen Location.
Perhaps the "Maximum distance" field should be filled by default with the radius of the chosen Location,
Or alternatively a choice should be given of using the Location's own radius or the "Maximum Distance" settings.



I think this works as designed and documented. I may be wrong.

I don't wanted to overcomplicate this filter by adding secondary options which provide various means of dealing with the location radius (if you have used that). The location radius is used for detection - e.g. when you use the option to automatic geo-code files on import.

The distance setting in the filter is used to tell the filter which radius to consider, independent from whether you define the center point via a location or by manually providing GPS coordinates. Much more consistent that way.

If you think the doc is wrong, send a feedback email via the link at the bottom of the help topic.

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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OK, this morning I had time to check the code. I've written and documented the GPS filter about 18 months ago  ;)

It should indeed work like the separate GPS search, which offers a "use location radius" option.
To not make things more complicated, I decided to change the GPS filter as follows:

1. If you select one or more locations, the distance controls are disabled. The filter now uses the radius set for each location.
2. If you enter a coordinate, the distance controls are available to select a distance to consider.

Documentation was updated accordingly.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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