How find files with keywords?

Started by zematima, June 04, 2015, 04:00:09 PM

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I am trying to search files with attached keywords.
I am testing one data base with mp3 files and photos.
I will be using hierarchical passwords like Algarve|Bia|Sagres or The Beatles|Abbey Road|Come together
First option (?):
Please see file Key1.
When I put come in the filter it shows me in grey a kind of a path that i have one (?) file that corresponds to my search.
How can I make it to show the file(s) of the query?
Second option (?):
Please see file Key2.
I choose with the + the file and then press the icon inside the red circle.
Nothing happens.
So how can I see for instance all the files with the passwords Sagres|Bia or all the files with the password Come?
Thanks in advance.

[attachment deleted by admin]


You need to enable the Category Filter to make it work. Click the check box in the header.
IMatch also displays an info tip informing you about this, unless you have disabled it already.

See "Filter" in the IMatch help for information about how the Filter Panel works.


I will try when I arrive home.
Thanks Mario.