temporarily disable autopause when stacking/unstacking

Started by Carlo Didier, June 13, 2015, 02:40:06 PM

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Carlo Didier

This is the situation: I display a number of files, in a category or folder, where the file count exceeds the autopause limit. So iMatch switches to autopause.
So far, so good. I click the pause button to display the files anyway.

Then I select some files and hit Shift-S to stack them. Now, iMatch reswitches to pause and I have to click the pause button again to see the files.
I could switch off autopause for this, but it would be much better if iMatch would remember that I manually un-paused and would immediately display the files again.
Same thing goes for un-stacking. Maybe also for other operations.

So my request is this: If I manually un-pause from an autopause situation, I want iMatch to remember this when it has to refresh the view.


Quote from: Carlo Didier on June 13, 2015, 02:40:06 PM
If I manually un-pause from an autopause situation, I want iMatch to remember this when it has to refresh the view.
But if IMatch would remember that you unpaused: what would be the difference to switch auto pause off completely? Because if you, for example, click on a different folder or category, this is also "refreshing the view", isn't it? Should IMatch then auto pause again or not?
Or to rephrase: Under which conditions, exactly, should IMatch remember your unpause action and when should IMatch switch back to auto pausing?
If your request is only directed at stacking/unstacking operations (as the title suggests), I am in favor of it. But extending it to other operations would not be straightforward, I think.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA

Carlo Didier

Quote from: thrinn on June 13, 2015, 10:19:39 PMUnder which conditions, exactly, should IMatch remember your unpause action and when should IMatch switch back to auto pausing?
Any operations where the selection of the displayed files doesn't change. Of course, if I switch from folder view to category view or collection view, atc, that's a change of context and autswitch should be triggered again.
This is not a big issue, but it would be a nice to have feature.


What if also a filter is active and/or the file window search bar?
There are quite a lot special cases and situations to consider here. I find it easer to just disable auto pause while you work with stacks. Unless you work with folders with 10,000 + files (or with many variables in the FW layout or complex relations setups), the file window should be snappy anyway.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Another situation where Auto-pause is a nuisance is when you use the viewer.
After closing the viewer Auto-pause activates again.


Yes. And correctly so.
Changes made in the Viewer may impact the files currently displayed in the file window (or not anymore). The file window reloads, and if you have auto-pause enabled, it will kick in. I would not want the file window to load 100,000 files just because I close the Viewer...

If you find the convenience feature auto-pause a nuisance, just disable it. Judge yourself when you want to pause the file window and when not. There is no way to make this always 'right' for every situation and every user.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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