URLs associated with categories

Started by akirot, September 14, 2015, 08:11:56 AM

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Photographing artwork, architecture, artists, animals and flowers which I all categorize it would be very useful to store related URLs (e.g. to Wikipedia) with the respective categories.
Currently category properties contain the description field which I use for my "own" description and thus is of limited use for saving once found URLs.

Please add the possibility to add an "unlimited" list of URLs related to categories.

If this list is shown (similar to some thumbnails and the description) when I hover over the categories and I could click onto an URL which then opens would be great.

Thank you in advance.


Not directly related to this, but Attributes allow you to store any number of URLs per file, and IMatch opens them in your browser when you click them.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
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Thank you, yes I know - this could be "Plan B": implementing an "URL-file" per category which contains all the URLs (via attributes). I assume this is not as userfriendly as it could be (since the file window is affected).
What about implementing a means to associate attributes with categories?


You could store an "Info.txt" file per category. IMatch displays the contents of text files in the Quick View Panel (even HTML files, which allows you to layout things).
And you can add any number of link Attributes with that text file. Works a treat.

Another idea would be a small IMatch App which runs in the App Panel. You can retrieve the description of the selected category and then format it and output it. If the description contains URLs, you can even render a list of URLs with maybe a description, and make them clickable. When you click them, the App Panel opens your browser with that link.
Writing such an App only requires a bit of HTML and JavaScript know-how and  is fun to do. Check out the sample Apps shipped with IMatch and the corresponding help.

QuoteWhat about implementing a means to associate attributes with categories?
This comes up from time to time, but rarely.
I'm sure that a few users would have a use for custom data associated with folders, categories, collections and time-line nodes. The problem is to judge it is worth the effort. Implementing this is actually a lot of work (weeks!) and I not sure that a sufficiently number of users would benefit from that.

All users who would like to have this can Like your request, and this will tell us how big the interest really is. Every like counts for multiple users, because not all users are using the community and not all community users read feature requests or use Like to rate them.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
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