Attributes and why IMatch is so cool

Started by monstermaha, August 01, 2015, 10:18:42 PM

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Hi, I'm sharing some excitement here. I had my first ever online photograph sale and now suddenly I need to track the deluge of sales that's sure to follow. After pondering, searching and investigating how to track sales for each photograph without creating yet another spreadsheet, I think I've discovered how to use IMatch to meet my requirements (if you've already figured this out, please just go with's my moment!).

I created an Attribute Set called Sales Tracking and added Date, Site and Amount as attributes. Now if I sell this photograph multiple times or on other sites, I'll be able to easily track the data and always have it tied to the photograph. I'm sure I'll be able to export this data if I want to do analytics one day (when I have vastly more sales data), but I haven't ventured that far just yet.

I really, really, really like how I was easily able to create attribute sets and attributes, plus the data type for each attribute. That is really cool. Then adding data to each attribute set is simple, simple, simple. I attached a screen shot in case you're interested in seeing how it looks. I already have a Notes set.

Thank you again for an amazing application and one that I'm looking forward to constantly discovering new ways to use it.


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Sounds great  :) Congrats for your first sale. May many others follow.

I actually use a similar submission (sales) tracking as an example for Attributes in the  IMatch help  :)
If you type sa into the help index you'll find the Sales, Tracking with Attributes example.
It uses a global Attribute Set to store information about clients/agencies/stock photo sites (if you have more than one) and one per-file set (similar to what you have created) to keep track of which files where sold to which client, how often and for how much.


If you have Excel or you need to use/export your sales records later for tax or whatever purposes, you can export them into a standard 'CSV' file using the Text Export module in the Import & Export panel. Excel and almost all other relevant application can import data in this format.

If you already have data (e.g. in Excel) you want to import into your new Attribute Set, you can do so via the CSV File Import module in the Import & Export panel.

For a quick reporting, you can use the HTML Report feature in the Import & Export panel.

More info on all that can be found in the IMatch help.
