Configuring Keyboard Shortcuts

Started by ulim, August 08, 2015, 02:50:29 PM

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Hi all,

is it possible to configure the keyboard shortcuts in iMatch? I can't use many of the predefined shortcuts, because I'm on a laptop without the seperate numbers block. Also, some very frequently used commands (e. g. lossless JPEG rotation) have no shortcut at all.

Many thanks for any pointers,



You cannot configure your own keyboard shortcuts.
I did not bother to implement this because a) it creates a lot of additional complexity and b) is used by less than 5% of all users (there were some studies).
Not all commands have shortcuts, there are only so many keys and users cannot remember them anyway  ;)

You can always use <Alt> + menu hotkey. This works nicely:

For example, for lossless rotation:

<Alt>+<C> to open the commands menu, then <I> for image, and <L> for lossless rotate:


Easy enough to use and remember.


You could use AutoHotkey ( - free) to remap keys to your liking

or if you don't want to learn the scripting language (which is very simple)
use Fastkeys ( - 10$) which I can recommend and I am using myself.
Fastkeys is like a wrapper around Autohotkey which adds some convenience and prepackaged scripts

With those (or similar) tools you can simply remap nearly any key in any program to your needs.

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Thanks a lot for the tip with Autohotkey, that works like a charm!

Would still be nice to see a little more love for the 5% hotkey users in iMatch. F9-M for the Metadata Window isn't exactly the first thing that comes to mind with respect to UI guidelines :)



Quote from: ulim on August 11, 2015, 11:44:22 PM
Would still be nice to see a little more love for the 5% hotkey users in iMatch. F9-M for the Metadata Window isn't exactly the first thing that comes to mind with respect to UI guidelines :)
IMatch has hotkeys for all frequently used commands. Fixing broken EXIF orientation is definitely not a frequently used command. I don't know which UI guidelines you refer to (Microsoft (which version), IBM, Apple, Google,...) but I don't see why a learnable keyboard shortcut like <F9> (lead-in for all panel-related commands) and then <M> for Metadata <C> for Categories or is so bad.

All keyboard shortcuts are listed next to the corresponding menu command, and also listed in the Match Keyboard cheat sheets which are part of the Quick Start Guide which you have undoubtedly read and even printed out as a handy reference.

My estimate that 5 out of 100 users want customizable keyboard shortcuts is most likely much to high. I don't see any feature request in the feature request board, and I get posts like yours or requests per email only a few times a year. 5% is the number of Microsoft Office users who customize keyboard shortcuts, when I recall it correctly. The study is a few years old so the numbers may be different now. But it's all going touch-touch anyway.


As far as I am concerned  the problem with hotkeys within Imatch is that they only (mostly) work if the keyboard focus
is in the right panel. If I have to click with the mouse first to set the correct panel in order to use a kb shortcut it does
not make much sense.


Quote from: ubacher on August 13, 2015, 01:51:03 PM
As far as I am concerned  the problem with hotkeys within Imatch is that they only (mostly) work if the keyboard focus
is in the right panel. If I have to click with the mouse first to set the correct panel in order to use a kb shortcut it does
not make much sense.
Of course. Windows sends keyboard input to the active window. Each panel is a window, and the panel that is currently active receives the keys you press. This way each panel can do different things when you press, for example, Ctrl+V. There are also global shortcuts which are handled by IMatch in a different fashion, e.g. panel commands or goto file window <F9>,<F9>.