Enhancement of viewing stacks in the viewer

Started by sinus, August 14, 2015, 08:16:01 AM

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Hi Mario
this is really only a question, not a future request, because I do not know, if this is possible and how much work this would be.

You have enhanced in the last version markably displaying a stack. From the help file:

Added the Show Version Set in Viewer command (F4,V). This command opens the selected master and all versions in the Viewer.

This is really great and a time saver.
Question: would it be possible even to enhance this more with two additional commands?

a) Show only the masters
b) Show only the versions

This would allow even a quicker workflow.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Can't you just use the Filter to show only masters or versions in the file window?


Quote from: Mario on August 14, 2015, 08:46:21 AM
Can't you just use the Filter to show only masters or versions in the file window?

Hm, to be honest, I do not use filters, because I struggled too often using them, what is is of course my fault.
Maybe you know this situation, say with a car, something what a lot of other people like (say the way you can read the speed, digital or analog), you simply do not like it really, even you cannot really explain, why not. I am afraid, this is the case with filters for me.  :-[

But if it not possible or you think simply, not necessary, because we have things like filters, no problem.

I made a script for me some times ago, what puts the whole stack in a category, and in this cat I have created some formulas.
And there the stack is neatly "separated" into masters, versions, dots, pins, formats and so on, really great, but it takes some time.

And because your new addition to the viewer, what works GREAT, I thought, would be fine to see only the master or only the versions. So, I am quite selfish.  ;D

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Just use the File Properties Filter. It allows you to show or hide masters and/or versions with a single click (use Invert Filter to make 'Hide' into 'Show'):

Also, you can browse the files in a stack also in the Quick Preview Panel now.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Just to be sure:

If I am in the view, like in the attachement, then the filters does not help, because all stacks are affected?

I work only with stacks, they are great, the window is neatly arranged.

So, like in the attachement, if I have several stacks, I can now click on one and see the whole stack, when it is collapsed, and see all the files only from the selected stack in the viewer.
Really great!

My question is, can I achieve the same so easy to see only the versions?
If I try to use the filter, all other stacks are also involved, or do I something wrong?

So, if this is not directly possible, no problem, because then I simply use my script, I select a stack, and it will be expanded and added to a special category, you can see this in my second attachement.
This works also great, I thought only, that your new enhancement would be the quickest and best way.

So, Mario, you have to work for 5.5  ;) ... so do not waste your time here, I mean, I can do it, only not directly, but this is not a big problem. And not to forget: your enhancement (Ctrl Shift S, V) is really cool.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I'm not sure that I understand what you want to do.

You can see all files in the selected Stack in the Stack Panel.
You can see all versions of a master in the Versions Panel.
The Quick View Panel allows you to navigate a stack (view the files even if not in the fiel window) using the new flaps. If a file is both in a version stack and in a regular stack, the regular stack is preferred.
The File Properties filter works like all filters, on the files in the current scope. If you click the hide masters, all masters in the file window will be hidden.

Your original question was

QuoteQuestion: would it be possible even to enhance this more with two additional commands?

a) Show only the masters
b) Show only the versions

It's not clear to me what you want to do. You want additional commands like "open version stack(s) in Viewer but only show the master(s)" or "Open version stack(s) in Viewer but show only the version(s)"?

There are so many additional potential possibilities, including an extra dialog when you open the Viewer which tells you something like:

[dialog box]
Your selection includes 3 master files and 2 version (from another master). All files in your selection also belong to a regular stack (2 different stacks). Some versions / stack files may be selected, some may be in a different scope (other folder perhaps).

Which files do you want to see:

a) All selected files (Default)
b) Only the master files
c) All versions but not the masters
d) All stack tops of the regular stacks
e) All stacked files but not the stack tops

Probably we could also add some extra options to include files from all scopes (if your version sets or stacks cover files from multiple folders or categories).

Such a dialog could handle all these special cases. It may be a bit cumbersome to answer the questions every time you want to open files in the Viewer, though. So the Viewer must check if at least one of the selected files is a master, version, stacked file or stack top. If this is not the case, the dialog is not shown.

I'm sure that some users  may find such a feature helpful because it would fit the way they work with versions and stacks, Other users would be just bothered by the dialog or confused. I don't know.

If you add a feature request for this, link to this thread, other users can comment and we may come up with a solution. Or just drop it because it is of no interest for more than a handful of users...

It will not be too hard to do this. Maybe one development day + test + documentation + translation.


Quote from: Mario on August 14, 2015, 12:01:48 PM
It's not clear to me what you want to do. You want additional commands like "open version stack(s) in Viewer but only show the master(s)" or "Open version stack(s) in Viewer but show only the version(s)"?

Yes, that is, what would be great to have.
The new flap-system in the Viewer is great. But is shows all files in the viewer.
Say, the stack has

a) totally 50 files
b) 15 masters
c) 15 versions
d) 20 files are files without a relation (no masters, no versions)

Your new flap show me all files in the stack (a).
It would be great, if I could see also only the masters (b) or only the versions (c).
To see all files without relations (d) would be also nice (to detect a good another good image), but not that important.

Quote from: Mario on August 14, 2015, 12:01:48 PM
There are so many additional potential possibilities, including an extra dialog when you open the Viewer which tells you something like:

[dialog box]
Your selection includes 3 master files and 2 version (from another master). All files in your selection also belong to a regular stack (2 different stacks). Some versions / stack files may be selected, some may be in a different scope (other folder perhaps).

Which files do you want to see:

a) All selected files (Default)
b) Only the master files
c) All versions but not the masters
d) All stack tops of the regular stacks
e) All stacked files but not the stack tops

Probably we could also add some extra options to include files from all scopes (if your version sets or stacks cover files from multiple folders or categories).

Such a dialog could handle all these special cases. It may be a bit cumbersome to answer the questions every time you want to open files in the Viewer, though. So the Viewer must check if at least one of the selected files is a master, version, stacked file or stack top. If this is not the case, the dialog is not shown.

This sounds like even better ;D
I thought only at two addiontal commands, if I right-click on an image, where I could choose a, b, c.

Your d and e would be for me not important.
It's sunday and I have to work, unfortunately. I will think about it and maybe add a feature request.

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Add a feature request. I don't wanted to support all peculiar workflows and odd combinations of version stacks / regular stacks in the Quick Preview panel - there are limits, sorry. Complicating things for all users in order to support the specific demands of a handful of users is usually never a good idea.

The flaps are a great improvement for common usage scenarios - they don't aim to cover all possible workflows and odd combinations of stacks and versions.

Feel free to add a feature request. Please give details in which situations you need that feature, why etc.
The number of comments and likes from other users, plus their feedback, will show us if the feature you suggest is of interest for many. Then we can look into this again.