Navigation help in Viewer Window

Started by grauschaf, August 18, 2015, 07:04:52 AM

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The Viewer is great. I use it regularly to compare pics in 100% view while the filmstrip is shown. It would be helpfull to navigate in the 100% view if there would be a marking in the filmstrip pic of the currently visisible areae in the 100% view.
I wouldn't be surprised if there is a possibility in the Settings and I didn't found it yet. If it is not possible, it would be  an item on my feature list (which is rather short) for IMatch.



I assume you use the dive zoom (click to zoom) to get into 100%? This hides the film strip window and other overlays to give you a clear view on the current file.

You can also switch between fit-to-window and 100% view using the <Z> key. This keeps the film strip visible.
Or use the other zoom commands available (Right-click the Viewer window to open the menu). See the Viewer topic in the IMatch help system for a full list of all keyboard and menu commands and options.


Hi Mario

Thank you for your reply. I think, I didn't show clearly what I want.
I zoom to 100% with 'z', the filmstrip is still visible. Other applications (Photoshop, DxO, ...) indicate the zoomed Area in the thumbnail. This makes it easier to navigate in the zoomed window. In these Applications ther are two ways to navigate:

1. Pan the zoomed window using the left mouse button. This is the way IMatch does too. The marking in the thumbnail moves accordingly. Would be great, if IMatch could do that.
2. Move the marking in the Thumbnail. The zoomed Window pans accordingly. Very comfortable :)

The main aspect for me in the moment is to "see where I am in the Window". I will add a screenshot, which might make it clearer.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Please feel free to post a feature request in the feature request board so other users can comment on your idea and 'like' it.


Good Idea. Thank you,

Added my wish to the Feature Request Section.
@Mario: Could you please move or delete this Topic or can I do that?