Versioning problem

Started by blastermax, August 10, 2015, 04:59:30 PM

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I' m using trial version (5.4.15) testing an imatch 3.6 database converted to imatch 5.
I have set a file relations in proper tab, but I have some 2 problem in propagating:
I have checked categories, attributes, don't copy xmp rating and label; in categories I have set include recursively all categories I need and exclude recursively all categories I don't want to copy.
The two problem are:
1- label and rating are propagated to version even if I excluded the from categories and I checked don't copy xmp rating and label
2- one category (versione originale) is propagated although I set exclude recursively.

I attached the versioning tab
Thanks in advance

[attachment deleted by admin]


1. Which options have you set in "What to propagate"? I cannot tell from the screen shot.
2. Rating & Label are independent from categories. Rating and Label are part of XMP metadata and when you copy XMP data, rating and label will be copied as well.
3. Do your versions maybe already have rating and label?
4. To analyze what happens when IMatch propagates data via ExifTool, open the ExifTool output panel, propagate from a master to a version via F4,P and then attach the output of the ExifTool output panel to your reply.
5. Do you use any non-standard metadata settings (Edit > Preferences > Metadata/2) and which file formats are you using?
6. Is the versione originale category somehow special or is it a normal category to which you only manually assign files? Do you perhaps run metadata templates on indexing or assign files to categories during indexing (Check: Edit > Preferences > Indexing).
7. Is versione originale direct under @All or does it have a parent? I cannot tell from the screen shot.


Thanks Mario, here the answers
1- categories, attributes, don't copy xmp rating, don't copy xmp label
3 - versions don't have rating and label because they are jpg copy of master file. I put jpg files directly in master folder and Imatch after a shortwhile add them and recognize as versions; so I don't operate on them.
4- I have attached the output. Note that from Francesco_5828c.jpg I remove rating and label before  F4,P and Imatch don't propagate them.
5-I left standard settings, however I have attached the screenshot
6-yes I assigned category originale on new files, that is the problem. I replicated the behaviour of imatch 3.6 where all new files had category originale and with a script all version copies were set from originale (master) to modificata (version). Sorry but from imatch 3.6 to 5   it has changed so much  that it is difficult to understand all.

So problem on category is solved, I uncheck category originale on new files, I don't need anymore. thanks

[attachment deleted by admin]


The ExifTool commands look good. IMatch is copying metadata from the CR2 to the JPEG, and explicitly excludes rating and label. This means that the JPEG retains its existing rating and label. May this be the problem?


No, jpg haven't rating and label.
I added jpg images in master folder (copyng with windows explorer) and after a shortwhile they were added to imatch database and  had categories propagated from master (unfortuntely also rating and label).
I think it is the normal behaviour to work in this way.
In the next days I'll try with another folder!


I have upgraded to Imatch 5.4.18 Licensed version and I tried another folder, same result.
I explain steps:
1-  MMspiaggia_5857.CR2 is the raw canon file that it is in a folder with its xmp file on my desktop pc
2-  I rated it 5 stars.
3-  I copied this file, along with its xmp file in a folder on my notebook.
4-  I modify the file with photoshop and produced an jpg file (MMspiaggia_5857.jpg)
5-  I copied from my notebook the jpg file into folder on my desktop PC (Imatch is open)
6-  After some seconds Imatch added the jpg file to database and recognized it as version file coping from master file all the categories, but also the rating

Note that I didn't do anything between step 5 and 6
I don't know what's wrong


Do you write-back metadata before you copy the files to your other system?
If you process a CRW, PS will copy metadata to the JPEG, including rating etc.
Are you sure the JPEG did not contain any XMP data, rating and label before you copied it back to your other system?


I wrote metadata before coping files; the jpg file has xmp data and rating because as you told Ps write copied them from CR2 files, but it is not this the point.
Infact I tried to create a jpg file from a cr2 file without xmp (I copied on laptop only cr2 file), the jpg created was without rating, but once copied on desktop Imatch propagated also the rating from master.
I add some clues: everytime I write back metadata on master, or I set to propagate data from master to version, the rating of versions file is set with rating of master; it is curious that only rating and not label.
image.cr2 (master) has rating 3, image.jpg (version) has rating 4 (manually set and updated). As I set a label on image.cr2 and write back metadata the image.jpg is set to rating 3, label is not affected from change.

This problem happens both with  jpg created with or without rating.


Attach sample CRW and JPEG files or upload somewhere. I need to look at the metadata in your files.
Please also detail your relation settings, what you propagate etc.
I can only analyze this any further when I can reproduce this here and see what ExifTool is doing.
Please open a bug report and include a link to this topic. Let me know where to get the files. You can also send them to my support email.
I will look into this when I have time and let you know what I find out.