Map panel - please advise

Started by akirot, May 28, 2015, 08:49:06 AM

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I migrated flawlessly to IM 5 and everything works fine on mine PC.
Now I started the migration of my wifes database on her PC (Win7 64bit, current patchlevel, IM 5.4.10).
As soon as I open the map panel by clicking the globe icon (yes the picture in focus contains GPS data) the panel opens (if not yet open) but the map remains white. Clicking the refresh button in the map panel initiates some activitiy but finally the map stays white (no map is loaded).
Her PC is in the same network as mine - the router config cannot be the problem.
Internet access via Firefox or Internet Explorer works.
Geosetter works.
"Show location in Google Maps" in IM3.6 works.
But not the map panel in IM5 :-(
IM 5 map panel is configured to default (Google etc. deactivated - even activation doesn't help)
I temporarily deactivated the Windows Firewall - this didn't help.
I also read all (found) threads regarding the map panel in this forum and found nothing specific which config to check to make it work.
There are no obvious errors in the log file (and I don't think it's an IM bug).
Has anybody any idea where to look and what to try? (I have no further idea since it works on my personal PC.)

Thank you in advance!


The Map Panel is basically an embedded Internet Explorer which uses the OpenLayers framework to interface with whatever map provider you have chosen (OpenStreetMap, Google, Bing). If the map panel fails so completely and without giving an error message (?) the problem is usually that IMatch cannot even connect to the OpenLayers web site to access the JavaScript libraries.

This is usually caused by a proxy setting, firewall setting, mis configured Internet Explorer or similar. Hard to tell.
Make sure you allow Windows to update Internet Explorer automatically because this also updates the WebBrowser control IMatch and other software uses.
IMatch uses the standard configuration made in Internet Explorer for proxy etc.


    The map on my IMatch is also not working... had been quite a few months already. No error and not sure why as I don't remember change any settings in IE or other browser and didn't install any new security software since the last time it was working.

   Any idea?

   Thanks and have a nice day.



Quote from: DigPeter on July 28, 2015, 06:51:18 PM
No problem here.
I reset my IE and it's still not working until I click the "Zoom to all files" button in the Map panel and it's working now.

    Thanks and have a nice day.


It hasn't been a network problem at all.
As I found time for some extensive debugging I realized IMatch's geo page calls a style sheet. In the environment in scope the CSS was ignored or it didn't even matter when it was not found.
In parallel I found out my wife had two Dreamweaver installations on her PC. I uninstalled the older one.
And... yes, now the map panel works as expected.
Just to let you know - expect the unexpected sometimes :-)


Hi akirot,

unbelievable, you are a magician! :-))))
I had this problem (blank map panel) since the first IM 5 beta up to now.
I knew, it is not an IM bug, so I have tried nearly everything to find a solution for my installation (Win 7/64 bit).
The only way to make the map visible was to roll back Internet Explorer to version 8. Not even an option.
On the maschine of my girlfriend the map panel works like expected (similar configuration) also on an old Win XP laptop while the beta testing.
To make a long story short: I have read your post, uninstalled my old Dreamweaver, open Imatch and voila, the map panel is working now!

Thank you very, very much! Great forum!


Interesting. I wonder what DreamWeaver 'hooks' into Internet Explorer to cause this trouble...