A False Offline Indication

Started by Darius1968, September 12, 2015, 11:03:56 AM

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Consider the path to the following folder, which is indexed in my database: 
E:\_01\_Backups\_201309 (C Drive)\00\_Family\Darius\_Interests\_Photography & Video\_5DayDeal Photo Courses\3-textures-presets-actions-overlays\3 - Textures-Presets-Actions-Overlays\Amanda Diaz - Actions, Overlays & Skin Retouching\FairyTale Overlays Collection\

I just scanned in the folder to my database (newly created).  IMatch is falsely reporting that it is offline!  To Be sure, if I right-click and open in windows explorer, it successfully opens so I can browse file only in Windows Explorer.  From here, if I right-click to do the relocate, then IMatch freezes up.  I know the path is long, but that is how things are with the download of the folder structure. 


This path is 263 characters (!!!) long.

It exceeds the 255 or even 248 character limit of many file system functions in Windows. And there is not even a file name!

IMatch uses these routines in order to create new folders, check the existence of folders (off-line check) etc.

When I try to create this long path on my machine, the mkdir command returns "path too long", the Windows CreateDirectory function gives up at 248 characters etc.

Microsoft introduced a way to overcome this 248/255 limit, but this would require me to rewrite many functions to add a special token "\\?\" to every path before calling the Windows functions, and this would complicate things to no end on the lowest level.

Furthermore, IMatch uses many 3rd party libraries and components, e.g. WIC codecs, imaging libraries, Open Source packages, parsers and suchlike. None of these libraries are under my control, and probably many of these don't support file names longer than 255 characters...

In short. Sorry, but just does not work.
Please shorten the path to be less than 248 characters.


I figured that would figure into what is causing this problem!  The thing is, I didn't create these directory names; This was part of a package I downloaded from another company.  So, is there any way that I can rename these folders to something smaller on a bulk basis?  Can the task be carried out in IMatch, or does it have to be done manually? 


Not in IMatch. Try Windows Explorer. Command line does not work.


You might want to take a look at the free Bulk Rename Utility: http://www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk/

I believe it can handle folder renames as well as file renames. Handy utility that works pretty well.