picture series grouping with only a single thumbnail

Started by kirk, October 05, 2015, 11:28:17 PM

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I have a lot of same looking shots taken in series.  Mostly for photogrammetry purposes . Sometimes it's hundreds of shots with same exposure  values  taken with just a small parallax.
   Would be nice iMatch could recognize such series and make a single thumbnail of it with just a kind of series mark and number.    Plus it would automatically sort out blurry , not crisp ones  from those series.       


That's what stacking is designed for. Have you used stacks in IMatch yet?
IMatch represents all files in a stack with only a single image (stack top). All other files are hidden, under the stack.

You can use the Commands menu > Relations > Auto Stack Files command.
Auto stack the files by their EXIF timestamp (if you take all shots within a certain timespan).
If this is not possible, find a metadata value which is the same for all files you consider part of a stack. Then use the variable corresponding to that tag to auto stack your files.

See Stacking in the IMatch help system for details.

It is almost impossible to detect what you might consider as "blurry" or "not crisp".
I'm not aware of any algorithm which can detect blurry images. If you know one, let me know.


Thanks  Mario. It's waht I wanted and somehow missed