file window tip : lens in versions

Started by Joe Austin, November 11, 2015, 05:01:49 PM

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Joe Austin

I have this tag in my thumbnail tool tip:\2900\lens\0

This displays the lens nicely in raw files, but not in versions.   

What data (manage relations :"What to propagate" selector) needs to be propagated  to get this into versions?  I currently propagate xmp w/o CR.


This tag is a special tag IMatch makes up from various sources, to shield users from the many complexities of how lens data is recorded in EXIF metadata data.

It's based on up to four composite tags, which are produced by ExifTool by looking at various sources for lens information in the file. ExifTool uses EXIF lens data and proprietary maker notes. Lenses are complex because there is no standard, and each vendor uses his own numbering schema. Some camera vendors record a detailed description somewhere in a maker note, others just numbers in different EXIF areas. ExifTool knows about this, has internal lookup tables to map from numbers to lens models etc.

The standard "Lens" tag maintained by IMatch to make all this easier for you is based on these composite tags, in order of preference:


The tags ExifTool uses to create these tags depend on various factors, the camera make and model, the file format etc.
Welcome to the metadata mess.

I suggest you first look at the XMP data in your RAW file (Metadata Panel in Browser mode to see all data). If there is a tag that holds the lens data in the format you like, propagate XMP data from the master to the version.

If this is not the case, maybe use a Metadata Template to fill an XMP tag from the Standard IMatch lens tag. And then propagate XMP data from the master to the version.

I don't suggest  copying EXIF data between files, because this can lead to many problems. EXIF data was not designed to be copied between files. I have explained that in detail in the help.


Also be prepared for the fact that camera makers aren't even consistent with their own products: different bodies/lenses may use different tags...