I must buy a new computer: which one?

Started by sinus, October 25, 2015, 06:01:36 PM

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Hi all
Today my main-harddisk is dead, as it looks like.

Phew, I am lucky, I have really backuped yesterday everything:D :D :D

Now, my computer is now almost 5 years old. (see attachement 1).

Maybe this is the time, to buy another computer. I have also some USB-3 - extern-harddisks (my computer now does not support usb-3) and so I think, it will be a good thing, to invest some money into a new computer.

Of course I hope, that IMatch will also be quicker with a new computer.

Since I am not a computer-crack, I have here some informations about 5 new computers.
Maybe I have luck, and some of you could advise me, which one I should bought.

Of course, I know, sometimes we cannot say for sure, what is the best, but some hints of you would be welcome for me.

Thanks is advance, the comparison is on attachement 2.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I am not a really PC-Crack and I don't know intel well, but is i7 not a quite good CPU?

Why not just changing HD (Brocken-One) in a SSD (for example Samsung 1GB) and a better Videocard? Maybe + 8GB RAM? Even a USB-3-PCI-Card can be added, if wanted. Would save money.


Hm, yes, Menace, thank a lot.

Maybe yes, but on the other hand, I guess, my system now is a bit old, and and new computer would be fine.
And to be honest, looking and fiddling with new hd and usb-3-card let me hesitate to do so.

And I believe, but I do not know, my graphic - card now is not very good, hence when Mario comes out with the new version, I would have a better one.

And SSD, what would also be good.

Because IMatch on my system now is sometimes really a bit slow, but ok, I have 200'000 images now (splitted into two db).

Maybe a pc-crack can say me something roughly, yes, a new system would be quite quicker, because the graphic-card, the ssd ... or whatever.

But, Menace, you are right, I will also think about simply change the hd.

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I can't comment specifically on the computer models you've listed (I build my own...), but you'd be moving from a 1st generation i7 to (for 3 of the ones you list) a 6th generation i7. That should get you significantly better performance and better energy efficiency as well as some extra features compared to your existing computer (e.g., USB 3). You'll also have more memory, which may be useful if you run multiple programs (especially memory-hungry ones like Photoshop) at the same time. That said, I suspect performances between these different new models is likely to be subtle. Things like warranty, reliability, noise, case expansion options, price, etc. may be more important in daily use. I couldn't tell if your existing computer has an SSD, but if it doesn't that change alone would make a major difference, whether you upgrade your existing computer or get a new one.

Good luck!


Thanks a lot, jch2103

that helps me a lot.
No, my current system has no SSD.

And maybe also the graphic-card in a new system would be better.

Maybe you have the time, so say something about the difference between DDR3-RAM odr DDR4-RAM.

Because the HP Envy 750 has an i7-6700, DDR3-RAM and 512 GB SSD
And the Asus (the first in the list) has i7-6700, DDR4-RAM and 256 GB SSD

And the next Asus, I wonder, is basically the same like the first, but is about 200 Euro more expensive, and so far as I can see, there is "only" a better graphic card inside (GeForce GTX 980), while the cheaper one has a GTX970.
Is this possible, that a graphic card can be so much better?

Now I wonder, what is generally better (quicker) for me. I use basically IMatch, Photoshop and thats it.

I will sort out the two "Medion" and choose between the two Asus and the HP.

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Quote from: sinus on October 25, 2015, 09:08:01 PM
Because the HP Envy 750 has an i7-6700, DDR3-RAM and 512 GB SSD
And the Asus (the first in the list) has i7-6700, DDR4-RAM and 256 GB SSD

Which RAM is faster, I can not say. There is missing some data.
But it is worth noting: the Asus Computers can support up to 32 GB but the HP only 16. This gives the chance to add more RAM when needed.
Generally, the 256 GB SSD will have sufficient space for Windows, IMatch with the database(s), Photoshop and other programs you are using. The images could be stored on the internal HD.

Quote from: sinus on October 25, 2015, 09:08:01 PM
Is this possible, that a graphic card can be so much better?
If you are a gamer, the GTX 980 is better: having more processing cores, higher clock rate (and due to the way it manages its own memory above 3GB).
But for your usage, I would not expect big, noticeable differences. And they both will be clearly faster than your current GT 330.

Quote from: sinus on October 25, 2015, 09:08:01 PM
Now I wonder, what is generally better (quicker) for me. I use basically IMatch, Photoshop and thats it.

All in all, go for the cheaper Asus. You can't make much wrong with it.


Install Windows10 first if not yet installed.


Hi Ralf

Besten Dank, much appreciated! I think, I will do so.
I have to think about still, but I guess, I will buy the Asus tomorrow, the cheaper one in the first line.

Hm, yes, I download just now Win 10 here ... maybe a wonder happens and my harddisk will run again, who knows  ;D

Thanks for your advice, Ralf!
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I'll echo/support Ralf's recommendations. Best wishes!


I have bought an PC from

The PC from them Run very stable. Better than Any other PC I have Ever had.

You can configure it Depending on your demand.
Asus, Acer, ... Are Not as Performant as the one from aquado.

Ps. Written from my mobile phone


Quote from: sinus on October 25, 2015, 11:32:15 PM
Hm, yes, I download just now Win 10 here ...

Actually, I meant that you have Win 10 on the new PC up and running before putting your programs and stuff on it.



Thanks, Frank and jch2103!

Ralf, Yes, I will do so, first install Win10 on the new compuer and then progs and so on.

I installed Win10 here, looks fine, I like it.

The defect Harddisk is finally not defect, but it is this  4TB - WD-Drive, putted into my computer (Maybe you remember  ;)) with a socalled Easy-swap expansion bay.

But my computer is, I think, too old and can only "see" 2 TB. So, the harddisk has not over 2 TB and now I cannot see it anymore.
But for example paragon sees it, but not Windows.
But the data on it seems to, I think, ok.

But I will anyway buy a new computer, I have only still a short look, if I can see another computer, what does also have such an expansion-bay.

When I know more, I will write it here.  :D

Thanks to all!
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Hi all
My new computer is here!  :D

Well, finally I got another one, but quite equal. This one was cheaper and already there to take with me.
The brand sounds (maybe) for Germans not very good, but I have a notebook, what I like and finally it is a daughter from Lenovo, meanwhile (87% Lenovo).

The brand calls Medion, maybe the bad image in Germany (is it so?) is, because the discounter Aldi sells them also.

I bought it from digitec, a good company in Switzerland, what sells all kind of electronic stuff (digitec.ch). I bought also some Nikons from there. Digitec again is a daughter from the discounter Migros (Switerland).

The Computer calls
Medion Erazer X5341 F
i7 4790 4th Generation
256 SSD
GeForce GTX 970

and a hot swap HD, where I could put my 4 TB - Harddisk (WD) inside the SATA-connection, very conveniant.
So I have now
256 SSD, an intern HD (WD) with 3 TB and my "old" 4 TB HD (WD)

Preinstalled was Windows 10.
So, now everything went ok, I like Win 10.

I have two monitors, one older Eizo (for calibrating), connected with DVI, and one new (AOC 27 Zoll)(HDMI).

And wow, USB3 is really much faster than my old USB!

OK, now I have to "transfer" my DB on the new computer and install IMatch there, I have to look, that I do not something wrong (I have to read again the helpfile of IM5).
Then I will have to relocate the whole stuff.... and then comes the hour of the truth  ;D ... I am wondering, how quick IM5 will be!

And finally, phew, Photoshop, Outlook, Office, Browser and the whole armada of software.  :-[
Ah yes, and a "new" backup-system for the files and so on is also necessary, with the old computer I used Rich Copy, what I liked basically.

Thanks for all, posting here, was really helpful, one feels not so alone!  :D :)

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Sounds good. Should be quite a bit faster than your old computer.

Medion is not that bad, really.
Aldi sells millions of these computers in Germany each year, and if they would be of lousy quality, the warranty and service costs would be too high. Aldi thus ensures, like with all their products, an above average quality. Medion computers are also sold by other outlets, and who knows how many OEM boxes are produced by Medion as well. And Lenovo is actually really good. Always a good choice for notebooks, for example.

Of course you usually don't get top-notch hardware from Medion, or finely balanced systems or the latest in everything. But that's not needed for typical daily operation or Office use. Often it makes more sense to (not considering the environmental impact here, mind) buy a cheaper PC, but buy more often - instead of upgrading. Especially when you can hand-down the old PC to a family member or some charity.

In environments where the business depends on the computer and there are no fall-back computers you can get to work quickly (!), a workstation-grade PC (e.g., from Dell or HP) may be the better choice. These systems are powerful, blazing fast, rock-solid, dependable, are designed for at least 3 to 5 years of 24 / 7 operation, are quick to repair etc.

But workstations come at a price, even an entry-level model costs around 1,200 to 1,500 € and you often end up around 2,000 to 3,000€ for a workstation system. For high-performance environments where you need systems with 16 Xeon cores, professional graphic hardware and lots of RAM you can easily reach 10,000 € or more.

And for these prices you can keep a second Medion PC around, as a backup  ;)


I agree fully with you, Mario.

Thanks for your balanced answer!
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I have a Medion computer since 12 years. I never had a problem and it worked like a charm. Although I normally used it daily
the HD is still the first one and working. But now I also thought about buying a new one, because even IMatch is a little bit slow sometimes ;)
Interestingly I had more or less choosen the same computer as sinus some weeks ago with the configurator on www.ankermann.com
The only difference is that I decided for a 1 TB HD. My computer would cost about 1200€ but I have not yet bought it.
So now I tried to compare my price with Sinus' computer, but it seems the Erazer X5341 is not existing anymore on the digitec page. :(
Would have been interesting to know if computer hardware in Switzerland is cheaper then in Germany.



Maybe you have overlooked it, the computer is still there.


The costs are 1599 CHF, means roughly 1500 Euro.

To be honest, I was a bit, slightly, chocked, that the machine is so big and heavy. My older one is much smaller and not heavy.
Do not forget have an eye on this, depends on your wishes.

But the computer itself seems to me very good, just at a very new glance.

Good luck!
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


This looks like a "gamer" PC  :D
Designed for people who play a lot of computer games. They don't care for small cases. Usually the big cases have enough space for large vans, which means that the system keeps cool and quite even under load. And quite is good!


Quote from: Mario on October 28, 2015, 06:58:23 PM
This looks like a "gamer" PC  :D
Who cares how it looks? It surely will be under the desk and not very visible  ;)
The main thing is it's performance. Which it surely has.

Quote from: Mario on October 28, 2015, 06:58:23 PM
And quite is good!
yes, silence is golden.  :D

@Marcus, I think that you made a good choice.

One thing worth checking (if you dare to open the box) might be, if the memory modules are taking advantage of the dual channel possibility (performance issue). [Though I would expect that they did it properly]
Based on your link, you should find the manual for your mainboard here http://eu.msi.com/support/mb/Z97-GAMING-7.html#down-manual



Quote from: sinus on October 28, 2015, 06:37:54 PM
Maybe you have overlooked it, the computer is still there.


The costs are 1599 CHF, means roughly 1500 Euro.

To be honest, I was a bit, slightly, chocked, that the machine is so big and heavy. My older one is much smaller and not heavy.
Do not forget have an eye on this, depends on your wishes.

But the computer itself seems to me very good, just at a very new glance.

Good luck!

Ok, I forgot the x at the beginning of 5341.
So it seems the price at Ankermann is ok.
Yes, the more power the bigger. And silence I think is really important. At least for me.
I dont't like it when you hear the fan running at maximum speed all the time.
So it is good to invest in an good cooling unit too.


Hey Boys

Glad to hear something like this from you, make me a bit more sure, to choosen the right one (for me).
Yep, I think, it is a gamer - PC - and Ralf, at the moment the "monstrum" sits ON my desk  ;D 8) 8) 8) because it it quite nice to see, has some illumination and at the moment I can get so very easy to the connection in front and in the back. Maybe later, I guess, it will come unter my desk  :)

IMatch does run now, at the moment all relevant stuff (like Metatadata-templates, file windows layouts and so on I have successfully transferred, also the file relations, except the renamer, I could not "transfer" this. So I have to do it again "handy". But since the other computer is still there I can easy have a look and copy it (manually).

First impression: very quick! Boha, IMatch rocks. And if I think, that there are much better computers out there, phew, power is all.  ;D

At the moment I have putted the cache also on the SSD, but maybe later I have to move them to a normal harddisk, depends on the free size.

But it makes fun, though I am not finnis yet with all the stuff to install (Photoshop and so on).

Thanks, boys, and yes, falconeye, I think, you cannot make a lot wrong with this or an equal machine.

One thing: my i1-tool from Gretag (Xrite) for calibrating the monitors works not more on Win10. Hm, I have to find another solution.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Quote from: sinus on October 28, 2015, 10:26:22 PM
at the moment the "monstrum" sits ON my desk  ;D 8) 8) 8) because it it quite nice to see, has some illumination and at the moment I can get so very easy to the connection in front and in the back. Maybe later, I guess, it will come unter my desk  :)

That is your choice. Putting under the desk is always possible when you get tired of the look.  :)

Quote from: sinus on October 28, 2015, 10:26:22 PM
First impression: very quick! Boha, IMatch rocks. And if I think, that there are much better computers out there, phew, power is all.  ;D
You were warned ...  ;)

Quote from: sinus on October 28, 2015, 10:26:22 PM
One thing: my i1-tool from Gretag (Xrite) for calibrating the monitors works not more on Win10. Hm, I have to find another solution.
That surprises me a bit. When I installed the ColorNavigator SW from Eizo on my PC with Win 10, it also installed drivers for i1 (EyeOne and EyeOne Display). Did you check at X-Rite (http://www.xrite.com/top_support.aspx?action=downloads) if they have newer drivers available?



Ralf, thanks a lot, you made my day!!!

It worked now, cool!
Where is the medal-smiley here ... would go this time to you!   :D

BTW, Compacting and opitmizing the db before with 180'000 images took 38 minutes.

Now it took, with the new machine, 3 minutes!

I will no again put the 2 dbs together to one (I splitted it before), because I thested it: runs great with 270'000 files.
I guess, the newer processor, though only 4th generation, the ssd, the more RAM and maybe also the better graphic card makes a big difference. And I have now also USB3 instead USB2 before (thought I used this not for IMatch, but for backup).

Finally, all seems to be great ... except that I must still find my CS6-disks ...  :-[
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


THe Renamer presets are stored in the settings database (PTS file) on a per user basis. If you use the same user name as before, they should show up automatically.

QuoteBTW, Compacting and opitmizing the db before with 180'000 images took 38 minutes.
Now it took, with the new machine, 3 minutes!

Yes, this was to be expected. The SSD in combination with the much faster CPU and memory bandwidth can cause a 10 times performance increase.
Naturally, all other operations in IMatch (and other software) will also improve a lot.


Quote from: Mario on October 29, 2015, 03:30:02 PM
THe Renamer presets are stored in the settings database (PTS file) on a per user basis. If you use the same user name as before, they should show up automatically.

QuoteBTW, Compacting and opitmizing the db before with 180'000 images took 38 minutes.
Now it took, with the new machine, 3 minutes!

Yes, this was to be expected. The SSD in combination with the much faster CPU and memory bandwidth can cause a 10 times performance increase.
Naturally, all other operations in IMatch (and other software) will also improve a lot.

Not a big problem for me, Mario. I tried it with the pts-file, all other stuff worked, but not the renamer.
But I am quite sure, it was my fault.

So instead to try again, it is wiser for me, to add these renamer stuff manually, finally it takes not that long, because I can look in the old computer. Not your fault, it was me.  :-[
Well, basically it is grazy, how much work is to do, when you must all programs, browers and so on, change from computer 1 to 2.
Of course, I know, there is software out, what can most of this do... but before I lern this to do, I do it the old fashioned way. Some stuff, like bookmarks in the browers, I know how to transfer. Also outlook and other stuff.

But not a long time, then it is done ;-)

BTW: my wordcontact - script works not more, it gives errors from bitmap-creatings (shadows and so on), but to be honest, it is not worth for me, to look into this, there are other ways  ;) and the next IMatch - version -step will be also one time. So I let it be.

So, finally, no real problems* .... except now comes a star instead an apostroph, small things, but nerving, must change the keybord-entries...
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Phew, 5 minutes for "compact and optimizing" 221 516 files ... I think, this is great. Really.

It makes even more fun to work with IMatch, since it is so fast.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


5 minutes is pretty much OK.
This only shows how slow your old system was.

On a top-end workstation with m-2 SSDs the database would probably optimize in about 2 or 2.5 minutes  :o  ;D

I'm sure other features in IMatch benefit from your fast system as well. Optimizing is usually only required when you remove thousands of files, or maybe every 10,000 files added. Or once in a week, just to keep things tidy.


Quote from: sinus on October 28, 2015, 10:26:22 PM
One thing: my i1-tool from Gretag (Xrite) for calibrating the monitors works not more on Win10. Hm, I have to find another solution.

I've not read the rest of this thread, yet, but I have the same tool and it does work on my Windows 10 computers.  I'm not sure if I had to do something special to make it work, but I did get it to work.  I'm trying to reach back in my mind, and I may have downloaded the newest version of the software as the install disk with the device had an old version that did not work with Windows 8 or 10.  Don't give up, yet.


Thanks, Erik

Ralf writed basically the same and so I tried again and now it works!

I had simply not the right software downloaded.
It works now,  but to be honest, because I have 2 monitors, the used monitor profile was sometimes changed and I have not a very good knowledge about this.

So I take simply for both monitors the same profile (made with the calibration) and then it works.
One monitor is my Photoshop-monitor (Eizo CG222W) and is calibrated, the other (AOC) is simply a bit bigger, but not fully correct calibrated. But with this monitor I write letters and so on (like this post) and that is ok for me, specially because it it bigger.

Thanks for your input!
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Hello Markus,

I have to decide, if I buy a new HDD (shows bad SMART-ranking since about 4 months) or an SSD.

You took an 256GB SSD for your PC and it would be interesting, if it is still big enough for you are using it now about 1/2 year. So, how much free diskspace do you have at the moment?

Thanks for reply



A 512 GB Samsung EVO SSD now costs about 150 € and a 256 SSD for around 90 €.
The pro-grade models cost about twice as much, but I don't see a reason to buy these.

On my Windows 10 developer PC with Office, developer tools, Adobe PS + LR etc. I currently have 280 GB allocated on my 512 GB SSD. A 256 GB SSD would have been too small for me.

I also have a 2 TB RAID 1 disk for mass data (photos etc.), which uses hybrid SATA disks. These are also very fast, but not nearly as fast as a SSD or even a m2 disk.


Quote from: sinus on October 25, 2015, 06:01:36 PM
Hi all
Today my main-harddisk is dead, as it looks like.

Phew, I am lucky, I have really backuped yesterday everything:D :D :D

Now, my computer is now almost 5 years old. (see attachement 1).

Maybe this is the time, to buy another computer. I have also some USB-3 - extern-harddisks (my computer now does not support usb-3) and so I think, it will be a good thing, to invest some money into a new computer.

Of course I hope, that IMatch will also be quicker with a new computer.

Since I am not a computer-crack, I have here some informations about 5 new computers.
Maybe I have luck, and some of you could advise me, which one I should bought.

Of course, I know, sometimes we cannot say for sure, what is the best, but some hints of you would be welcome for me.

Thanks is advance, the comparison is on attachement 2.

sinus I just had to buy a new computer and moniter. I used to build my own computers for my self and others. Now at 72 years old I just buy them. When I was working I only bought Dell servers(ten servers). Over the last ten years I have only bought my computers from Dell(Dell Precision Tower). Dell computers are top of the line and top of the line support . For example on this computer some things happened and they had a technician in my home the next morning.
As you can see I have 4 Toshiba 500 GB drives and 4 Seagate internal drives Hard Drives and 4 2 TB Seagate® 3.5-inch top of the line drives are optimized for PC desktop computers. The rest of the drives are in one RAID 5 and two other  Addonics external drive enclosures. 

Maybe Mario can give us some pointers on how to setup our work stations. (like memory, drives) I use Adobe Photo Shop, Light Room, and of course IMatch 5 and too many more to mention.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Montana, USA
The Big Sky State


Phew, impressive,
cthomas, really. I wish you very good success with this new system!

@Reinhold, sorry, did not seen this, I am happy with the 256 GB, and mostly are roughly about 100 GB (depending, what I have still there), though CS5, IMatch and other small stuff is on this SSD.
But if I could or had the possibility, I would not hesitate to buy 512 GB. Simply more room for more relaxing.  ;D
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Quote from: sinus on April 13, 2016, 11:17:50 PM
Phew, impressive,
cthomas, really. I wish you very good success with this new system!

@Reinhold, sorry, did not seen this, I am happy with the 256 GB, and mostly are roughly about 100 GB (depending, what I have still there), though CS5, IMatch and other small stuff is on this SSD.
But if I could or had the possibility, I would not hesitate to buy 512 GB. Simply more room for more relaxing.  ;D

I didn't build this all at one time. Built this in about two years.

I got tired of being nickel and dime to death. So when I had to replace something I would save until I could buy better.

Montana, USA
The Big Sky State