Possibility to revert Timeline display?

Started by meyersoft, October 28, 2015, 03:47:16 PM

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Is there a possibility to revert the timeline display?
I.e., Showing the most actual year first, like "reverse sort order".
I have many scanned fotos with 1970, 1960 timestamp (date/time manually adjusted  ;)).
When looking for actual fotos in the timeline, I always have to scroll down a lot.

I have searched the community and the help, without success.
But before entering a feature request, I would like to confirm that there actually is no way to revert the timeline.


There is no way to revert the timeline. It displays from top to bottom or left to right, depending on where you dock the timeline panel.


You can use the Timeline Filter at the bottom of the Timeline to limit the result to the most recent years.

For example a "Starts With" filter of 201 will temporarily limit the timeline to the years 2010 until present.


Useful tip... I had not thought to do this!



Thanks for your replies.
So no possibility at the moment, nothing that I overlooked.

John, your solution could be nice, but:
After entering 201 for all years from 2010 to today, imatch really only shows only the years - not months and days.
So for selecting a certain month/day, I have to select the filtered year, then reset the filter to show months and days.
But by resetting, imatch jumps back to the selected year without filter.
Mario, is this as intended?