Map Panel has no map after upgrade to Windows 10 from 7

Started by rgdudley, September 22, 2015, 08:40:38 PM

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I recently upgraded to windows 10 and although iMatch seems to work perfectly,  I have found that the map panel is now blank
The location of the images is indicated, but there is no background map.   

I understand (from previous posts) that this problem may have something to do with internet explorer. 
In windows 10 internet explorer has been replaced with "Microsoft Edge" ... which seems to be another Microsoft trick to steer business their way.   There is a place in Edge that allows one to open a page in internet explorer... but there doesn't seem to be a stand alone internet explorer.   

Does anyone know how I can get the map panel working properly in Windows 10?

thanks, Richard


Unrelated to Edge. The IE components used by IMatch are built into Windows 10 as well.
If the flags show on the map, OpenStreetMap is working and the browser has loaded OK. You would see error messages otherwise. You did not mention error messages.
Check your map scale setting first.

The IMatch log file may contain warnings (lines starting with W> or Errors E> which may indicate the source of the problem.


Quote from: rgdudley on September 22, 2015, 08:40:38 PM
Does anyone know how I can get the map panel working properly in Windows 10?
I thought it can be done by making IE the default browser, but even when this is possible, I still receive a script error (line 511 targetMarker.move) and the blank background.


Internet Explorer does not need to be the default browser. I use FF.
IMatch 5 and the Map panel work fine on Windows 10. I use IMatch on Windows 10.

I think this thread is not about a script error reported, we should stick to one topic per thread.
If you get script errors when using the map panel, please open a separate thread and give details, e.g. map provider used, when you get the error, the exact error message, IMatch log file etc. Do you see a map at all? Etc...


Quote from: Mario on September 22, 2015, 09:38:53 PM

I think this thread is not about a script error reported, we should stick to one topic per thread.
If you get script errors when using the map panel, please open a separate thread and give details, e.g. map provider used, when you get the error, the exact error message, IMatch log file etc. Do you see a map at all? Etc...
The script error was an additional error on my Windows 10 as I also din't see any map at all.

But what can I say? After making IE the default browser which didn't work out, I installed FPV CC which requieres a reboot and after that the maps were showing.
I uninstalled FPV CC and made Edge the default browser again and still had the maps, even after a reboot.  :o   I am aware this might be not much of help... My guess is that some additional component was installed.
Happend with a W10 running in a VmWare Workstation.


The 'WebBrowserControl' which is used by IMatch for the map panel, the App Panel and elsewhere is a standard Windows component. IE uses it as the render engine, but many other applications use it as well. This control is independent from the installed browser. Edge uses a totally new render engine, also independent.

When you see JavaScript error messages, the HTML and JavaScript code that drives the map panel was loaded, which means that the WebBrowser control is available and working properly. Typically OpenStreetMap or the interface JavaScript code used by IMatch to communicate with OSM fails when 'something' is blocking access to the Internet or one or more of the JavaScript files, HTML files, CSS files or images required by the map panel. Typical candidates (by experience) are personal firewalls, over-ambiguous virus checkers or security tools etc. As we say in German "boot tut gut", and it also worked in your case. Problem solved, that's the important bit  :)


Quote from: Mario on September 23, 2015, 08:38:56 AM
As we say in German "boot tut gut", and it also worked in your case. Problem solved, that's the important bit  :)
I was able to reproduce it several times, but it has nothing to do with the boot ;)
It has to do with the "Temporary Internet Files" (C:\Users\...\Appdata\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\); respectively with certain missing folders (and files) in it, which were not created when the Map Panel was started the first time.

To reproduce this make sure there are no folders in the above path, start IMatch with new settings (deleted the pts).
Start IM and bring up the Map-Panel: no map but the script error appears and some folders are created in "Temporary Internet Files"

By refreshing the Map Panel in any way, e.g. by just open/close the Preferences dialog without doing any changes, the Map Panel is refreshed, a map appears and another folder is created (and/or some more files are written to the existing folders) in "Temporary Internet Files".
Not quite sure if both - pts and "Temporary Internet Files" - have to be deleted, but by doing so I always are able to reproduce this.

[attachment deleted by admin]


This folder is under the control of Microsoft, I cannot influence this in any way. This seems also be some rather isolated issue, because we would have more reports about a non-functioning Map panel otherwise. May be your virus checker or a specific system setting that's causing this. I have converted 2 machines to Windows 10, installed one fresh and have about 7 boxes with W10 in the local tester group. So far nobody reported this kind of problem (or anything similar).

By the name of the folder I would guess the Windows WebBrowser control creates it to hold temporary files. Maybe a virus checker blocking it?
Is your machine a fresh install or an W7/W8->W10 upgrade?

Pleas please be so good and make a FAQ entry out of your post and store it in
If there is another user with the same problem, this will be helpful. Be sure to use a meaningful title, e.g. "Map Panel files after migrating to Windows 10" and append some useful keywords to your post - for the search engines. Other user can then find it and hopefully solve their similar problems.

Mees Dekker


Exactly the same problem here as described above.

I found out that when I delete (rename) my imatch.pts file, the database starts up and the mappanel shows locations as well a map. All fine, but the down side is that all my previous settings are gone. When I then put my old imatch5.pts file back in place, my settings are back, but the map is gone.

Therefore, I suspect that the problem must be hidden somewhere in pts file. I attach a copy of my (old) pts file and hopefully this will reveal any clue. In the mean time, I try to rebuild all my settings.


[attachment deleted by admin]


Do you get JavaScript errors or is everything just blank? Or maybe blue?

One other user just had an invalid zoom level after the upgrade. Changing the zoom level in the map brought everything back. This would also explain why resetting all settings back to default (by removing the PTS file) solves the problem...

Mees Dekker


I did not get any error from Javascript. And I did try changing the zoom level. The panel was just blank, not blue.

Hope this does help in any way



Any error messages or warnings in the log file?
What happens when you click or right-click in the map panel?
If the menu shows, is there a "show source" option?

Did you check the usual causes for problems, e.g. firewall, virus checker etc?
I know it works on W10 without any problems usually...


Have you tried running it in Win7 Mode?

Right click on the exe file, click on properties,
in the tabs, click on Compatability, there is a compatibility turner, then a check box, "Run this Program in compatibility mode of" Change the drop down to the OSversion of your choice. I would also go ahead and click the bottom box. "Run As Administrator"
Click on Change settings for all users to make it global. (you must have administrator permissions to do this) then click Apply then OK.
You do not even have to reboot your system
then just start the program and test it.

Hope this helps  :)

Mees Dekker


When I click or right-click in the mappanel, I do get a menu. When I then choose "show source", a new window opens (imatchgeo.ol.htm). The panel just stays blank, apart from the flag/indicator of the file.

I have attached both the log file and the file imatchgeo.ol.htm  file. Have a look at them if you can spare the time. But don't spend too much time on it. I started Imatch with a new pts file and my mappanel is back again. The rest of my settings, I can reproduce.

@trouble: I tried to start in compatabilty mode for W7. No changes: mappanel is just blank. But thanks for trying to solve this, but it did not bring me any closer to the solution. But as I said to Mario: the problem is solved in another way.

[attachment deleted by admin]


If you get the menu, the map panel is working correctly (base page has been loaded, OpenStreetMap can be contacted, no script errors.) Usually it's just the zoom level that's wrong, somehow messed up by the W10 install or upgrade procedure, or the new WebBrowser components installed by W10. Has happened two times (?) as far as I know - really specific.

Tip: You should install a spell checker dictionary (See IMatch help) so IMatch can perform spell-checking in the Keyword, Metadata and Attribute Panels.


I had one computer with the same problem. The solution was to switch between OpenStreetMap and Google Maps (Satellite). Then the map panel was working correctly again. No real idea why, but it worked.


Quote from: Mario on October 22, 2015, 05:11:17 PM
I had one computer with the same problem. The solution was to switch between OpenStreetMap and Google Maps (Satellite). Then the map panel was working correctly again. No real idea why, but it worked.

I've had the same issue, with the same 'fix'. However, it seems I need to repeat the process from time to time to keep it working. I haven't studied the problem closely enough to figure out if there's a use pattern involved, though.


Try running the Application in Compatibility Mode, using the last OS where it worked properly.
That has been a great fix for a number of items for me.

Additionally, you could try to give that operation "admin" permissions, which is probably what is holding it back.


Just had this problem as well - running latest Windows 10. Haven't had this till today.
Solution was to switch between maps as Mario stated.
I had tried rebooting but still got a blank white map then I recalled reading something about this in the forums? (man's best friend!)


This is not only a Win10 problem. I'm on Win7 and have it. A reboot of the PC didn't help. I fiddled around the the Preferences - but didn't help. A few other things I tried didn't help. I found this thread and bingo! Open Street Map works. Google Maps Satellite works. THEN Google Maps Hybrid works (again). If left in Hybrid and I close IM and reopen, Hybrid is again a blank screen.

I wonder if it it related to page size issues. Attached is a sequence. Note the size of the menu changes to small when the Google selection works.

After opening IM I have to go through the sequence every time to get Google maps to display. Yes, it is repeatable on demand at the moment on my system. Anything else I should review in the failed and/or working state?

[attachment deleted by admin]


This sounds like what I've been encountering. It hasn't been annoying enough to report it as a bug, but I'd prefer it didn't happen. I suspect it won't be helpful, but I've attached a log from a recent session where I only used the Map pane.

[attachment deleted by admin]


It's usually the zoom level you set. If there is no map data for that zoom level, Google goes all white. Zoom out to bring the data back.
This may also depend on the screen resolution, because on a high-res screen or a screen configured to > 100% font size, the zoom level adapts and the map may have no data for that resolution. On large screen with 2500 or more pixels the map panel zoom range is much smaller. Unfortunately this can only by hard-coded, and I thus had to hard-code the maximum zoom level supported the the majority of vendors. If you zoom in deeper than supported by the map vendor, the map while white out. And Google supports different zoom levels in the map, satellite and hybrid views!

Or maybe it's an OpenLayers issue. Whatever is rendered inside the Map panel is not under the control of IMatch.  The HTML is produced by whatever map provider you have selected and the browser in the Map panel renders the result. IMatch is only involved when you move to another image or click on a pin. The zoom setting is saved per user and restored on restart / re-open the map panel.


I can close and open IM with the map at both ends of the zoom level and various zooms in between. I still get a white screen initially on IM restart for Google Hybrid in all cases.

Google Maps Satellite display correctly at any zoom setting on reopening IM. So there is something different about Satellite and Hybrid displays when IM opens.

I am running a 30 inch monitor at 2560x1600, landscape. My screen font size is set to 125%.

On a Google Hybrid initial white screen, selecting another IM image or moving the map does not produce a map land image. The locator flag does move on a map move drag and drop.


Sounds like a problem with Google hybrid then. IMatch just tells OpenLayers, which then connects to Google. There is nothing I can change. Whatever you see in the panel comes straight from Google. If only one of the Google mode fails, and other maps work, it's surely a Google issue.


I have this too, when IMatch was started with any other google.mapId.type than "Satellite" or when switching from OpenStreet Map to Hybrid, Streets or Terrain. To get the other maps I first have to click to "Satellite" and than one of the others.
When I lately got eg. the Hybrid map, toogling "use map overlay" in the settings (regardless if it's actuall set to Yes or No), again gives me blank backgrounds on all other maps until I again click on Satellite.

As with the Windows 10 problem from the start of this thread (where any reset of the map panel brings up the map), I suspect a scripting problem behind this (somekind of initializing problem of the other three map types)


I have not looked at the Map panel code for a year, so I need to re-learn stuff first, I'm afraid. I may also need to make some updates to OpenLayers, the JavaScript code I've written to connect to Open Layers  - this can get a project quickly.

Somebody with this problem file a bug report. I can then schedule time for this for an upcoming (post 5.5!) release.

Provide as much details as possible, e.g. scale size, window size, panel size, map type, provider used etc. I use the map panel often on W10 tablets, W7 computers and W10 workstations with different screen sizes and I have not yet seen this problem. Google changes their stuff all the time, and I interface only with OpenLayers, not Google directly. Many layers of things can go wrong and the more info I have, the more likely it is that I can find the reason.