
Started by crocothemis, November 11, 2015, 02:30:58 PM

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Is it possible to transpose annotations from one image to another?

I got an image with higher quality and want to transpose over 40 face annotations to the new image.

Thanks in advance.



This can be done using the standard way via the Windows clipboard.

In the Viewer:

Select the Annotations you want to copy. Copy into clipboard  with <Ctrl>+<C>
Switch to the other image. Press <Ctrl>+<V>.

In a File Window:

Select original file. <Ctrl>+<C>
Select new file. <Shift>+<Ctrl>+<V> or "Paste Attributes" from the context menu.
In the list, tick the box in front of "Annotations".
Click on OK.


The first possebility I couldn't get to work but the second worked all right.



Copying annotations between files in the Viewer is a standard operation. I just tested it and it works.
What did you do? What was the problem?


I did not see how to select the annotations in the viewer....


<Shift>+Left-click for multiple annotations
<Ctrl>+<A> to select all

See the Annotations help topic which explains this and everything else you can do with annotations.


It works fine thanks. I was trying to copy from the  panel at the righthand side of the image...


Very good. Yes, you select the annotations you want to copy in the image window itself, and then copy them into the clipboard from there.


In the preferences/metadata2 section I selected for "use face annotation as keyword" no.
In spite of that the face annotations are shown in the keyword collection.

Thanks in advance,



Then maybe the keywords were already added by another software?
What happens when you add a face annotation, enter a nonsense tag tag FLUBBR? Is this also added as a keyword?


All Face annotations have been added by Imatch.

I tested now with a new face annotation and it didn,t show up in the keywords.

Conclusion: The face annotation I added before I set it to "No" in the preferences are shown as keywords.
Can I fix this?



This setting is off by default.

To fix this, just remove the keywords from the file.

To see all files with face annotations, go to the corresponding collection.
Or use the @Keywords categories to find the files, then remove the keyword in the Keywords Panel.
If you have not changed other metadata you can also select the files and press <Shift>+<Ctrl>+<F5> and choose "Reload Metadata".
