Metadata Default Layout Location Tags

Started by jch2103, December 04, 2015, 08:41:29 PM

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The current Default metadata layout uses Composite tags for location data, specifically Composite\Country, Composite\State/Province, Composite\City and Composite\Location. Mario has suggested in the above link and elsewhere that XMP location tags should be used instead. Therefore, it would be logical for the location tags in the Default layout to be changed to appropriate XMP tags.

I note that the Composite tags appear to be appropriately mapped to other metadata tags, but use of XMP tags would be appear to be more appropriate.

This isn't a priority request, but a 'when the dust settles' request.

(Note: If you agree with this or other requests, please click the 'Like' button, as this is how Mario tracks support.)


There is a long store why Composite tags  are used for this. I don't recall the details, this way two years ago.
I need to scan my source comments to bring that back... I think that these tags were the most reliable way to coerce between XMP, EXIF and GPS metadata.


If using Composite location tags is more appropriate, that's fine; it just seemed inconsistent based on your prior comments. As I said, certainly not an immediate priority compared to other issues.


I think the only IMatch standard tags based on Composite tags are location tags. For good reasons. I don't have the details present right now...need some sleep.


You deserve some rest at this point!

For further information, I check some images where I used a built-in GPS on my camera and then used IMatch to reverse-geocode the coordinates to location tags. The result was that XMP-Photoshop tags (for Country, State and City) and XMP-iptcExt tags (LocationShown for Country, ProvinceState, City and Sublocation) were mapped in by IMatch/ExifTool. No issues, as expected. If there are reasons to keep the Composite tags, this request isn't really necessary.