Missing translations

Started by zematima, April 07, 2015, 03:46:44 PM

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Hi Mario:
Where can I find this to translate into Portuguese?
Thanks in advance.

[attachment deleted by admin]


This is the name of one of the sample scripts, in this case the script is in the folder

C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch5\scripts\system\Advanced Samples\Top20Folders

Translation is simple, you just need to edit the .BAIX file that comes with the script:

The 20 Largest Folders.baix

These files are in SVN as well as the 'real' IMatch resources. The file already has the "nl" translation from Mees so you can see how you add the name and description for your language. Easy.

For instructions and examples, search the help index for the word BAIX and select file for plug-ins in the result list. Scroll down until you see the headline Supporting Multiple Languages.


Hi Mario:
This is what I have in my PC:
.....IMatch5 \ arg_files
Don't know where is the \scripts\system\Advanced Samples\Top20Folders
I am running Windows 8.1
Thanks in advance.


The default folder for scripts is  "C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch5\Scripts\". This folder is created by IMatch when it installs.

The folder on your machine is shown under Edit > Preferences > Application. Scroll down and expand the Folders group.


Found it.
Had to login as Administrator.
Best regards,


Then there is something wrong with the security.
The script folder is usually (during installation) installed for 'all users visible'. Maybe you should check the privileges of the folder in Windows Explorer and make sure 'Everyone' can access it.


I have two more things to translate:
Please see 1 and 2 jpg.
Where can I find them?
About the The 20 Largest Folders.baix file:
I can see in my computer the translation I have made , but what about other portuguese users?
Where can I put the file in order that in new versions this can come translated?
The same for files 1 and 2.
Thanks in advance,

[attachment deleted by admin]


All these resources come from the IMatch resource files.

If you use the "Log" function in SVN, you can see all the changes I have made between the last and this version. You also see the changes made by other translators. The "List resources without translation" command in the Resource Manager menu shows all missing translations for your language.

When you commit your changes into SVN, I will include them in the next build, so other users see them too.