Quick View just shows white screen

Started by bemax56, December 18, 2015, 04:45:28 PM

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Hi Mario,

I just upgraded to 5.5 from 5.4 last night.  It is much faster than the older version.  That is the good news.  The bad news is that I cannot get the Quick View to show an image, I just have a white panel.  The viewer shows the image properly but not Quick View.  I am running Win 7 SP 1 and my Radeon Catalyst drivers are up to date.  I have an old HD 4800 video card so not new. 

What log or other information can I provide to help you help me?  I am at work today but I will do some investigating tonight and over the weekend to provide what you need.

Thank you for all the work and the great product.

-- Bemax


The Viewer and the Quick View Panel use the same code internally.
If the Viewer works your hardware is OK with DirectX.

Did you try closing the QVP panel, resize it, use different images?

As usual, the log file may provide important info.

How to report problems


I will play around with it tonight and tomorrow and report back.  I will supply a log file when I reply.

Thank you for the suggestions.
-- Bemax


Hi Mario,

I was wrong about the Viewer.  When I send a picture to the Viewer the little film strip appears but no large image appears in the window.  The Quick View panel is pure white.  I have tried closing the viewer, the quick view and restarting both iMatch 5.5 and the computer with the same effect.  I am attaching the log from my latest attempt.  Please let me know what else you need.

My video card is a Radeon HD 4860 with 1 GB memory.

[attachment deleted by admin]
-- Bemax


I have a similar (if not the same) issue with the viewer and quick view with 5.5.8; i upgraded from 5.4.8.  Neither viewer nor quick view shows an image for the file types I have (.nef and .jpg).  The viewer shows the filmstrip, but the area that should contain the selected image is completely black.  Clicking the quick view tab does not show image either ... clicking the 'quick view' tab after clicking the 'categories' tab continues to show the categories information.

Log file attached.

Let me know if any additional information is needed to help determine what is causing the problem.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: bemax56 on December 18, 2015, 11:35:25 PM
Hi Mario,

I was wrong about the Viewer.  When I send a picture to the Viewer the little film strip appears but no large image appears in the window.  The Quick View panel is pure white.  I have tried closing the viewer, the quick view and restarting both iMatch 5.5 and the computer with the same effect.  I am attaching the log from my latest attempt.  Please let me know what else you need.

My video card is a Radeon HD 4860 with 1 GB memory.
It seems you are running Windows 7 without platform update 1 installed. The DirectX version on your system is too old. Platform update for Windows 7 was releasd in 2013. Please see http://www.photools.com/hardware-software-requirements/ for more info and the link to the Microsoft KB article about platform update 1.


Quote from: txhawkeye on December 19, 2015, 02:11:42 AM
I have a similar (if not the same) issue with the viewer and quick view with 5.5.8;
Same problem as above. You did not install platform update 1 on your Windows 7 computer, and hence the DirectX version is outdated and unsuitable for IMatch 5.5.

See http://www.photools.com/hardware-software-requirements/ for supported platforms and Windows versions.



Thanks for your analysis.  My computer shows it has Service Pack 1 installed, I have not installed all updates to Win 7 because of the issues around Microsoft trying to nag and force users to upgrade to Win 10.  Can you tell me what updates are required to fix this problem?

Thank you,

-- Bemax


Quote from: bemax56 on December 19, 2015, 06:02:06 PM
Thanks for your analysis.  My computer shows it has Service Pack 1 installed, I have not installed all updates to Win 7 because of the issues around Microsoft trying to nag and force users to upgrade to Win 10. 

Just as a side note you can disable the Windows 10 nagging in Windows 7, I've done it to my desktop and laptop.


Keep in mind you will need to manually check for updates afterwards.



Thank you for the quick response.  I failed to make the distinction about 'platform update 1' being something in addition to SP1 for Windows 7.  I will install the update.



I have a problem.  Windows update KB2670838 breaks Capture One Pro 8.3.  Not having it, breaks iMatch 5.5.  I have recently upgraded to Capture One 9 so I need to check to see if the problem has been fixed there.  I will report back.

-- Bemax


Ok, so I installed the platform update KB2670838 and iMatch 5.5 now works as it should.  But as I feared, Capture One 9 does not load and gives the same error I got with version 8.  That Windows update causes problems with a number of systems in Win 7.  I guess I have to choose whether to live without Capture One or revert back to iMatch 5.4.

I will open a ticket with Phase One again on the issue but I am not hopeful that they will find an answer.

Thanks for your help.
-- Bemax


That's odd.  I've got C1-9, Imatch 5.5 and KB2670838 and don't have any issues.


I don't think it is a wide spread problem.  It is probably a combination of hardware  and software in a perfect storm but I can reproduce it over and over.    I tried a clean install  of windows and just Capture one and it shows the same problem on my machine.   I'm stumped.
-- Bemax


This update was released in 2013. I'm sure the Capture Pro developers should have been able to adapt their software. It's basically a technology upgrade for DirectX, with more features. Did they tell you what the problem is?


No, other than saying I should uninstall and reinstall the NET framework and Capture One, they weren't much help.  I seem to be the only one affected which makes me think it could be hardware or an interfering software installation.  It is frustrating.  I'll keep playing with it.  If I find a solution, I'll post back just to close the loop.
-- Bemax


Hi there,

Fyi, I have used C1 version 8 and now upgraded it to version 9 parallel with iMatch latest versions. I just checked that I have installed that particular Win 7 update (in year 2013) without having any such problem in running C1.

It´s hard to say anything about problem itself, but my system is win7, 64b in Acer AM3400, ADM Phenom II X6 1045T processor, so already a bit older stuff. My GPU is AMD Rade3on HD 5570.

Currently there are some problems with the Viewer in iMatch (v 55.8) that did not occurred with the previous version. I am currently working with that, so I´ll be later back, if needed.

B.r: Markku



Hi Mario,

I had yesterday a case where Viewer hanged (and the whole application was not responsing. The Viewer did not display anything (i.e. no blank area, but only window frames and old stuff from previous display in the window area)). I am not sure what/how this happened and I try to repeat it (if it is repeatable). i just found out how to make dump after the situation where the application is not reponsive.

I´ll let you know if I can repeat that behaviour.

B.r: Markku


Also always secure the log file before restarting IMatch. See log file in the IMatch help for details. It may contain important details about the problem.


Hi Mario,

I got viewer hanging once more, but bad news is that dump zip file is still 122MB. What could I do with that to reduce the size?

I have created a short bug report into that category  with same attachments.

B.r: Markku

[attachment deleted by admin]


Your log file is full of warnings and errors.

Basically it boils down to IMatch running out of memory.
I would need to know more. Memory in your system. How many files in Viewer. Graphic card? Memory on graphic card? ...


Hi Mario,

-RAM in my PC is 8 GB

-I have 1 file layout in use in Viewer. In file window I had only one image file selected  that I double-clicked in order to open the Viewer.

-My graphic card is AMD Radeon HD 5570, total memory is 4088 MB, of which reserved graphic memory is 1024MB, rest is shared

I grasped my head with cache size definition. Has it some meaning here? I have had here parameter  =0, so I assume = no limit. Currently size is 218 GB (said in the text of the preferences window).

B.r: Markku


Your database requires a lot of memory already after loading: 1.3 GB. That's a lot. Even for a 130,000 files database.
IMatch can access up to 3.5 GB, if sufficient memory is available non-fragmented. But the memory consumption of IMatch increases all the time, up to 3.7 GB, when it finally gives up. Database operations fail, category operations cannot be completed, data-driven categories fail to compute etc.

Do you have many categories? Many data-driven categories?
I wonder why IMatch is using up so much memory on your system just to boot up the database.

The cache manager which manages the images in memory did never call it's purge method to release memory no longer needed. This method is usually called always, and more often when the working set size (how much memory IMatch allocates) exceeds 2.5 GB or the overall system memory utilization is above 85%. But I don't see that neither in the log file. Very mysterious.

Can you create a small test database with only one folder? And then check if the Quick View Panel and the Viewer behave correctly? Attach the log file from that session.

Also, please run a database diagnosis and send me the zipped diagnosis log file to my support email (link below). This will show me how many categories you have etc.


Hi Mario,

Thanks for your response

Yes, I use many categories. My idea has been to use hierarcial categories as main way to recognize images.

Ok, I´ll do
-test db
-email diagnosis log file to you

B.r: Markku


With many I meant 20,000 , 30,000 or more. IMatch can handle a lot of categories. But it's at least something to look into.


Hi Mario,

I have emailed to you to a separate support address my diagnostic log file. There is also some more info about testing I made this morning.

Test db created and tested, too. No failures in Viewer thus far.

B.r: Markku



I just wanted to give an update on my issue with Capture One pro 9 and iMatch 5.5.  I tried a number of things such as updating drivers, removing old software, reinstalling this and that.  None of that had any effect.

In desperation, I finally did an upgrade to Win 10 thinking that might solve my problem.  That didn't work either.  So, I downloaded the Win 10 installation software and did a clean install on my system wiping out all of my previous Win 7 software and drivers, etc.  That finally did the trick.  I am now up and running both C1 v 9 and iMatch 5.5 with no problems. 

I'll never know for sure but I suspect some old driver or software interactions were preventing capture one from using direct x. 


I really like 5.5.  it is a big improvement for me over 5.4.


-- Bemax


Thanks for the feedback. Good to hear that you could solve it.

Installing Windows on top of Windows on top of Windows... leads to very strange effects after a couple of years. I had a PC which I bought with XP, then upgraded to Windows 7 and finally to Windows 10. It all worked, but so much junk accumulated over the years that I had some very strange effects. The PC is now retired and only works as a backup. But it also develops new strange effects every day... time for a fresh Windows 10 install :)