New problem with relations

Started by jcldl, January 06, 2016, 09:56:05 AM

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Until a month ago making relations worked well.
But today I tried making relations as usual but files in one of my subdirectory are nor recognized.
My directory structure:relations 3.png)


files in arw are masters. jpg and dxo files are included in version but not c1. If I test matching for arw and c1 files it works, why c1 files are not recognized as versions? (relations 4.pngand relations 6.png)
Can someone help me

[attachment deleted by admin]


I do not know, only 2 remarks in the sky:

- your extension is once jpg, once JPG
- your second attachement (test) is not the same image like in the third attachement

Otherwise I have no clue.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I tried jpg and JPG and it's not the problem. In fact I have problem only with files in C1 directory....


I trtied many things.
First I create a new sub directory, "jpgb" where I copy my files ending by C1 and modified prefernces with {p1}\jpgb. It did not work
But if I use sub directory dxo to copy my c1 files it works, relations are established. So it seems than even if directory are in cache as in "relations4.png. only old sub directory working two monts ago are working. Finally everything works as if new sub directory are not recognised: C1, jpgb or else... Why?


I'm not sure we can diagnosis this from remote.
Please double-check your settings. Since you are not using a simple "this folder and down one level" but instead explicitly produce the names of sub-folders from the name of the base folder, your concept is sensitive to typos or subtle differences you create in your file system.


I changed to" this folder" and "down one level" and ticked in "relations definitions "raw" and it works.
