Window formatting

Started by stonecherub, January 08, 2016, 05:41:21 PM

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Trivial problem - one of the upgrades to the older IM5 changed the formatting of my rightmost panel (metadata). Now, the labels do not display when I shrink the panel to best fit the data. How can I correct this?

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If you put your mouse pointer over the left column that needs to be wider, you can left click and while holding the mouse button down drag left or right to resize that column.


When you move the mouse cursor to the area next to the icons, it changes to a double-arrow to indicate that you can resize the header area. Then left-click and drag. See the Metadata Panel help topic for further information.


I have tried clicking and dragging in the panel but the width of the labels column appears to be a fixed percentage of the panel width. If I drag the left margin to the left, expanding the panel, the labels expand as well. Making the labels readable needs a panel width that is a quarter of the entire window. There's gotta be a better way.

In answer to Mario, the cursor only becomes a double-arrow "drag me" icon on either side of the panel, not inside the panel. The labels are not separately sizable in my instance of IM5.

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I did make it work but can't exactly explain how. With the help page open showing "You can change the width ...," I moved my cursor back and forth over the name column with no change for about 30 seconds and then the double arrow popped out. This apparently requires that the name column be larger than some defined size because it would not work where the names were collapsed. I had to expand the column width to the size shown in the last example image and then I could play with it, finally getting it to what I wanted.

This is probably a one-off.


Quote from: stonecherub on January 08, 2016, 07:15:16 PM
This apparently requires that the name column be larger than some defined size because it would not work where the names were collapsed. I had to expand the column width to the size shown in the last example image and then I could play with it, finally getting it to what I wanted.

I think you might be right about that.  As a test I just dragged my left metadata column to the left about as far as it would go.  And then the only way I could resize it back again was to temporarily drag the entire panel assembly to the left so it was a lot wider, which also widened the tag name column.


I think this "percent of the panel" is a feature. When I shrink the panel, both columns shrink proportionately.

Thanks for the help.


Move the mouse cursor left of the pen icon.
The cursor should change to a two-sided arrow and when you then left-click you can change the width of the header.