How to delete Metadata (Junk, Old, useless, unsupported by IMatch)

Started by Menace, February 23, 2016, 09:18:58 PM

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Every now and than I have problems to write back metadata. I'm not sure, which metadata-field made this errors, but I want to get rid off Metadata which was written with other software (like IDimager, Photosupreme, MS Media Expression, Media Pro, ACDSee).

For example there are old fields with old file-names which are already changed. IMatch don't know every old software and where this software wright all this stuff. And I don't want to delete all of the Metadata, just parts of it.

So I test some Code (Just trying it out until I understand how it works a little, because I didn't work with commandolines yet). I use another tools for checking the metadata Exiftool Gui:

Here ist my code I use:


This is the start to delete or change the fields you don't need anymore.


This helps exiftool Kommandoprozessor to find a file even when the folders contain Umlaute like ä, ü.... [Thanks Mario for founding this]

If I understand it correct, XAP is the old name (old software wrote it) for XMP. This solves a lot of rightback issues in IMatch.

This removes all the IDimagers own way to write hierarchical keywords (see attachment). After importing my files in IMatch I don't need this stuff anymore.


Every Programm write the file-Name in another Metadata field. This is very confusing and there is no need, so I get rid off this old names with this codes.

Also Microsoft confuses me. Some a ratings in percent, others in Stars/Points. Also write some MS-Software the name again in Metadata-Fields IMatch doesn't use.


I don't want to make advertising for software, which spoiled my data. So this commando deletes Advertising for PhotoSupreme and IDimager.

With older files -I'm sure-, I found other junk-stuff (even IMatch wrote it's own XMP IMatch; I am not sure if it is necessary) and than I can post the code here.

Edit: Already found:
Delete ACDSee-Data: -XMP-ACDSee:all=

And forgot to mention:
This is important and means that the the current selected files get "cleanded up".
Have you also Code to clean up your Metadata?

[attachment deleted by admin]


Currently I found a little more confusing stuff:

I have some old "keywords" inside of {File.MD.IPTC::ApplicationRecord\25\Keywords\0} which are not uptodate.

After I delete them with -IPTC:Keywords= IMatch want to write again the now current Keywords back, even if it is a hierarchical keyword.

But I thought hierarchical keywords should just written in DC and LR?


Hi Menace

I am afraid, I cannot help here. But thanks for sharing your work!!
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


QuoteIMatch want to write again the now current Keywords back, even if it is a hierarchical keyword.

IMatch, using MWG and the default settings, updates XMP-dc:subject (flat XMP keywords) and IPTC:keywords from hierarchical keywords on write-back. That's part of the MWG mapping.


Ok, so I remember it wrong. That IMatch is using MWG as default is for me most important part in IMatch.

In my files the XMP-dc:subject seems to be written as hierarchical keywords, but maybe this is because of "Schlüsselwort Export: [X]Hierarchische Schlüsselwörter schreiben."

IMatch is very smart to recognize, that the old ITPC-fields are deleted and want to write the current keywords. Nice! :)


Danke für Deine Vorlage.
Das wollte ich bei meinen Bildern schon immer in Angriff nehmen. Jetzt habe ich mich mal an den Kommandoprozessor gewagt. Klappt prima!

Hab noch das Feld: "-IPTC:ProgramVersion="
eingefügt (bei mir mit iDi-Version gefüllt).

Danke und Grüße von Kay


Thanks, It works great - with embedded tags (jpg, tif ...),
but how would I have to modify this code to work the same with the buddy xmp file?
Thanks for the help.
