less (one :-) ) keystrokes to expand/collapse stacks

Started by akirot, March 08, 2016, 09:52:37 AM

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Working mainly with a graphic tablet I like the Lightroom approach to expand and collapse stacks: one click on one of the stacked images and the job is done. (Pen only is sufficient.) In Imatch Ctrl+Click on the top left icon on the topmost image does the job. If one wants to collapse the stack from a lower image it needs two keystrokes: one on the lower right icon to open the context menu, the second to collapse.
Please could you add at least the crtl-click on the lower right icon of a lower stacked image to collapse? Thus one does not need to return to the uppermost image to collapse or one needs two strokes.
I would prefer a click only solution for collapsing and expanding but I assume this cannot be implemented due to ergonomic design and consistency reasons.
I also like the Lightroom feature showing "x of n" when hovering over a photo of an expanded stack. If you have a lot of similar image sequences this helps identifying a specific sequence a lot. Couldn't this be implemented in Imatch as well?

Thank you for considering.


IMatch 5 is currently not optimized for touch-only or pen-only devices.  Adobe took several years and five paid upgrades to add deep support for touch/pen-only devices, so I expect it will also take some time for IMatch 5.

On the keyboard, you can always collapse a stack with <Shift>+<C> or <Ctrl>+<Cursor right>, whether you are on the top image or a stack element. You can left-click the stack icon and choose collapse, that should work with a stick as well as with touch-only. Works on the top as well as stacked files.

Or you use the stack panel to always see the files in your stack (LR has nothing similar as far as I know).

Or you use the stack tooltip to see all files without expanding the stack.

The "x of n" means what? The nth image in the stack of X files? In which sort order?
Is not the stack panel a much more useful approach? Or the stack tooltip on the top file, which shows the first 12 images in the stack just by hovering over it?
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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The mentioned Imatch features work very well as soon as the stacks are organised and ready.
Imagine having hundreds of newly imported images - a mixture of bracketing sequences and single shots of almost the same object. Due to the source of the images autostacking cannot be used - you stack manually. Later you realize having made a mistake you have to reorganise some of the stacks. As on a real lighttable with slides you expand and collapse.
From an ergonomic design point of view it would be best being able to use the same keystrokes on all members of a stack to expand and collapse.
Ctrl+click currently only works on the topmost stackmember - the idea is to have the same function on the other stack members too.
This request doesn't "need" a touch-only or pen-only environment - it fully applies to keyboard + mouse only.
Background: Avoid unnecessary (mouse) moves due to medical reasons ("Mausarm", repetitive strain injury).  BTW replacing the mouse by a pen is a good cure.
This is  not to insist on the feature request but just to give the background.
The assumption has been adding the ctrl-click is a no-brainer :-)


QuoteThis request doesn't "need" a touch-only or pen-only environment - it fully applies to keyboard + mouse only.

You can always use <Ctrl>+<Cursor left> and <Ctrl>+<Cursor right> to expand/collapse. Works whether a top or a stack member is selected.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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You have to take your hand off the mouse or the pen from the tablet for this combination (if you are a right hander), this move can be avoided :-)


Quote from: akirot on March 09, 2016, 02:31:48 PM
You have to take your hand off the mouse or the pen from the tablet for this combination (if you are a right hander), this move can be avoided :-)

But for medical reasons it is quite a good thing to take the hand off the mouse or pen and do some other movements (hitting keys).  8)

Sorry, I could not resist.  ;D
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Quote from: akirot on March 09, 2016, 02:31:48 PM
You have to take your hand off the mouse or the pen from the tablet for this combination (if you are a right hander), this move can be avoided :-)
Left-click the stack icon and choose collapse. Works without the keyboard.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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