best version for an old w7 Core i3 8 ram ATI HD5470 Radeon Grph Card

Started by Luis Cordoba, March 13, 2016, 06:40:17 PM

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Luis Cordoba

I carry my old Laptop for download files from camera being out of home.
  I wonder if it will work better with an old imatch 5, version than the last one.
Or if the new last version fit to this old technology and i should use the last the better...
Some body please give recommendation about. Leaving for a while I am going to miss my desk computer and my Imatch 5.5 Thanks for your help, Luis


Have you tried IMatch 5 on that computer?
How large is your database?

I use IMatch 5 on a tiny ASUS tablet and it works great. I don't run it with a 200,000 files database on that little machine, though.

Luis Cordoba

It will not be for  as my huge Desk Computer databases of more than 200,000  pictures that i am happy to manage with imatch 5.5.

The databases in this w7 laptop will be only for temporary trip files, first preview, categories and keyword work, that i would transfer to the desktop databases later.

I still did not try any Imatch version on this laptop.  That is my question, should i use the last version? I am not sure this old technology and Graphic card would have the power to the last Imatch version I use in my desktop.

Luis Cordoba


Just give it a try. Then you'll know.
As long as the installed DirectX and graphic card are up-tp-date enough (Windows 7 with platform update from 2013!) you should just do fine.

Luis Cordoba

Gave a try, got this "cant start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime -|1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

at Reinstalling got  same error.  Find installing log file.
found info in web trying to fix

Downloaded the Visual C++ Redistributable: Microsoft visual c++ 2015 x 64 Redistributable 14.0.23026
But this setup failed too. Got error 0xc8000247 unespecified error,

Looks like something is  bad with my W7?
All my other programs are working fine by now.
Some suggestions?

[attachment deleted by admin]

Luis Cordoba

I copy the dll to c windows system32, and 64, from other computer.
I reinstalled VC distributable 64 and 32 2015, and 2013.

The error changed to : the procedure entre point ucrtbase.terminate could not be located in the dynamic link library api ms win crt runtime- 1-1-0.dll

Should I copy other dlls?
any sugestion..


Quote from: Luis Cordoba on March 14, 2016, 03:07:05 AM
I copy the dll to c windows system32, and 64, from other computer.
I reinstalled VC distributable 64 and 32 2015, and 2013.

The error changed to : the procedure entre point ucrtbase.terminate could not be located in the dynamic link library api ms win crt runtime- 1-1-0.dll

Should I copy other dlls?
any sugestion..

Copying DLLs manually won't work. The missing Windows Update needs to be installed correctly.

To install the missing system components, please manually install the Windows update missing on your computer:

Note that is is language-specific. Pleasse search for KB2999226 to find the missing Windows update for the language you use on your PC.

Luis Cordoba

Unfortunately got:  Installer encounter an error 0xc8000247


Never had that one. Do you keep your system up-to-date, I mean automatic Windows updates activated?

There are some related questions out there. Google for

Maybe one of the solutions works on your PC.

Luis Cordoba

Right, I tried all solutions, none work in my windows. I put that to Microsoft phone, we work together all afternoon they took remote control of my laptop, run fixes, etc, etc (same that i did before calling) , Good service, no solution. I have two alternatives. Make a clean install of my W7 so the errors disappear, and then reinstall all my stuff. :(

Or try to upgrade to W10, and see what of my old software works with it with no troubles or what i miss. if it upgrades correctly.

If it do not work, then go back and make a clean install of W7 to clean unknown cause of errors  and reinstall all my old stuff.

in any of both ways what i am looking is integrate imathc to my laptop workflow. Will let you know what happened,Best, Luis

Luis Cordoba

Ok, at this time just finished and my old laptop is now a W10 officially.
Not bad coming from w8, in my desktop, W10  looks better. Not by now any important difference with w7 that i miss.

Happy to confirm Imatch 5.5 works immediately. Even without changing the installation I did yesterday in W7.

As I wanted to integrate Imatch to my laptop workflow,(already in my desktop) and my W7 lost some dlls, and have errors in the update process, and windows installer that Microsoft was not able to fix, my best option was upgrade to W10. If I select the other way of clean install W7 to clean errors, I would have to install all my software again.

But with the Upgrade, I have to do not new installations not even for the imatch that did not run yesterday because the W7 missed dlls, or windows installer errors.. Now updating video card drivers so PS an LR do not crash. Hope this information helps somebody.


That's good news indeed  :)

Sometimes W7 I so messed up that only a clean install can solve the problems. Sometimes the installer database is broken or whatever. Sometimes problems are caused by a long forgotten install / un-install of a software, or a power failure at the wrong time. Errors caused by such things can creep up years later.

I had such a Windows 7 system myself. I tried to install the platform update 1 (this was about two years ago) which was required for modern versions of Internet Explorer and better DirectX support. Whatever I did, nothing helped. I even bought a new graphic card! And spent probably a day or two trying all kinds of fixes. No luck at all. The system schlepped along for merely two years (it was one of my test machines so not that important).

When I migrated the computer to Windows 10, all the problems vanished - with a regular update install, keeping all the installed stuff!
This was the first of my computers I migrated and I migrated all others to W10 as well by now. I only keep Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 in virtual machines for IMatch testing purposes.

Tip: You might want to lock down your PC after installing Windows 10, setting your privacy settings to avoid sending too much data to Microsoft. Start with this


Luis Cordoba

O yes they are very aggressive picking up information.

I like AI, but they arrived late. I am now managed by my Google Now, that advise me on time leave to arrive on time to airport depending on where I am, checking my credt card due date, and advising me to leave to home from work because I usually leaves at this time, ....Showing me the Nikon news, last Trumpist violence rally, sunrise and sunset time, and weather... etc...
They know where and when i drink my last beer. I do not  worry, they will know any way.

I already turn off all the Cortana assistant and other stuff. I do not want two personal assistants.Thanks for your help.
8) :o


Interesting. Many here in Germany are more privacy-conscious and follow the 'Datensparsamkeit'-principle - especially IT folks who understand better what Google etc. do with the data they collect and how this impacts our lives now and in the future...

Google has no need to know when I usually leave my house, where and when I drink beer and I'm perfectly able to check my credit card myself - or to reach the airport in time. I use neither Cortana nor Google Now. I'm old enough to have a brain and my memory is working very well.

I use CyanogenMod on my smart phone to stay in control of my own device. Not Google.

I often recommend the book "The Circle" by Dave Eggers. Not a good book from a literature viewpoint, but it paints a rather dark but likely scenario of where Google and the other big data companies lead us - for monetary and 'do-gooder' reasons...

Luis Cordoba

Yes, i know, it is some dark humor here. And it will be very dark, more dark in the next  few years when goverments on the name of security  make a bigger Brother . With a lot of androids and robots around, knowing what we think >:(