exifcommand processor - warning

Started by ben, March 19, 2016, 11:00:28 PM

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Hi everyone,

i've got some trouble to read metadata of some images via the exif command processor.
Following is a simple example to read the creation date.

1) displaying the date via the metadata panel works as expected.
      Date Subject Created   2007:09:28 04:49:28

2) exif command processor -> gives a warning and doesnt read the tag

     Warning: [minor] Overlapping MakerNotes values - <file>
     Warning: [minor] Possibly incorrect maker notes offsets (fix by 3842?) - <file>

Does anyone know how to fix this?
I already tried "force update"



Seems the maker notes in your file are corrupted or unsupported by ExfiTool.
You did not mention the file format you use or the camera but I think this is a question which is better asked on the ExifTool user forum: http://u88.n24.queensu.ca/exiftool/forum/

Maybe provide a sample file for Phil to look at.

The -v option(s) (-verbose) also may shed some more light on this,


These are all images of a specific camera of a friend of mine (quite old one).

Does this help?
Otherwise i will ask in the exiftool forum

Have a nice sunday.


Best ask in the ET forum.
Maybe the old camera messed up the maker notes, or ET does not recognize the format.