filename with extension gpx not appearing in file window

Started by Aubrey, April 13, 2016, 11:01:04 AM

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I have a file with an extension gpx in my file window. It does not show up with any filename. What do I need to do?
I have checked the preferences, file formats.
The last item is GPS file with GPX format, it is "enabled". (Class: Auxillary Files, format tag GPX Extension .GPX)

In my file viewer set up I have prepared a simple setup, with Header 1 left attribute "File Name".

I've checked the manual on file formats but cannot see what I need there.

See attached screen dumps for exact setup.


[attachment deleted by admin]


I don't know why no file name is shown. It would have been very useful if you had attached the GPX file.
Then we could just do a quick check if this is a general issue with the file or a problem that only shows up on your computer.

Does IMatch report any errors or warnings in the log file when you rescan the file with the "force update" option?
Is the file name shown in the file window tooltip or the IMatch status bar when you click on the file.

GPX files contain GPS data. They are sidecar files and usually don't belong in a DAM. After importing the data from the GPX file into the images, these files are usually thrown away.


Resolved. Thanks, for your pointer, in that you were as mystified as I was.

No errors or warnings in log file (currently set to "Normal Logging")
File can be seen in IMatch status bar (this is the lowest bar along the File panel window)
On renaming to extension NEF, CR2 etc. file name becomes visible.
PDF files also give issues with the current layout...???
If I use "Grid" then file is seen under file name.

Found a layout where it worked.
Went back to original layout
When I removed Header 1 right custom template, the file name came up.
The header 1 right writes the extension in white text with different colour backgrounds depending on the extension (Markus aka Sinus originally set up this nice format  ;) ).
There was no extension setup for gpx (so for whatever reason Header 1 left did not display) Upon adding the extension to Header 1 right custom template all now works.

This is the new header 1 right template that works (you can see I've added a GPX extension):

<Run FontFamily='Lucida Console'  FontWeight='bold' FontSize='9pt' Foreground='#FFFFFF'  Background='{File.Ext|is:NEF,#E40000,}{File.Ext|is:MOV,#00bb00,}{File.Ext|is:WAV,#00bb00,}{File.Ext|is:AVI,#00bb00,}{File.Ext|is:MP4,#3B5760,}{File.Ext|is:PNG,#00bb00,}{File.Ext|is:JPG,#003BE4,}{File.Ext|is:TIF,#639B7B,}{File.Ext|is:GIF,#00B600,}{File.Ext|is:TXT,#C600CE,}{File.Ext|is:CR2,#C600CE,}{File.Ext|is:XLS,#C600CE,}{File.Ext|is:INDD,#C600CE,}{File.Ext|is:DOC,#C600CE,}{File.Ext|is:GPX,#b38c19,}{File.Ext|is:DNG,#00AA00,}{File.Ext|is:BMP,#00bb00,}'>{File.Ext|to_upper}</Run>

The zipped template is attached.

By the way, I like to keep GPS information, especially as I can now tag my files with a very simple EXIFcommand, and my gpx file gets uploaded automatically to google drive so no messy connecting cables etc. to get GPS info onto PC. (I'm using GPSLogger  on Samsung phone).

[attachment deleted by admin]


Ups, feeling a bit guilty!  8)

But fine, that you could solve it and when your layout works again good for you.
Mine works also still for me, see attachement.
IMatch gives us really a lot of possibilities.  :D

[attachment deleted by admin]
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)