Allow comments in Metadata Template definitions

Started by jch2103, April 21, 2016, 12:54:31 AM

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I recently realized it would be useful to allow comments to be included in Metadata Template definitions. I've created several; it would be nice to be able to document why/when I created them. (Some are almost one-shot items that may not need to be kept, while others are ones I'll likely be using for a while.

This would be something like adding comments in source code, for documentation.

I'd consider this a 'would be nice to have' but certainly not a 'must have'.


Woud be nice.

If you use the template with the favourits-panel, then you can add commments there.

And you can use of coure meaningful names for Templates at least.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I would also go for the 'Give MD templates meaningful names'. Because your description will not be visible in the drop-down menu, and you will always have to go back to E > P > MD Templates to see your description. Much easier to have a name that tells you exactly what it does - right there in the menu.

If you use Favorites: Every favorite can have a description, which is shown in the tooltip when you hover the mouse cursor over the Favorite. And of course the Favorite name can differ from the MD template name.


Thanks to both of you - I'd forgotten I could assign metadata templates to Favorites, and I didn't realize I could add comments in Favorites..!