Finding Visually Similar Images Only In Current Folder

Started by Darius1968, May 14, 2016, 02:24:43 PM

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Okay, so I now have 49 files (some video, some images) in the folder I am currently working in (_forceps).  None of the files are exactly the same, nor are they visually identical at the same size, but some are visually identical at different sizes.  For this, I select all of the files in the said folder and do a visually similar search.  The problem is that I don't want IMatch to consider ALL of the files in my database; I want IMatch to consider ONLY ALL of the files in the SAID FOLDER.  I find that I cannot solve this problem by first restricting the scope by a filter that only allows for files in the "_forceps" folder because IMatch still evaluates all files in database, but how can I instruct the program to only consider files in the folder? 


This special search module always searches the database. Just apply a filter to the result if you want to see only results from certain folders, categories, collections etc.